String Templates: syntax question

Eran Leshem eran at
Sun Nov 12 21:42:15 UTC 2023



I'm delighted by the addition of String Templates to Java! 


I have a question about the syntax. The Alternatives section of the JEP
gives great answers to most questions, but I was left with this one:

Why is the backslash needed? In most languages, as you nicely listed, string
templates are marked with either a template prefix or an embedded expression
prefix. Why does Java require both the "<processor>." template prefix and
the "\" embedded expression prefix? 


The Ensuring Safety section implies that the backslash's goal is to enable
the detection of string templates with missing processors. Did I read that
correctly? If so, I'd suggest documenting that explicitly. In addition, I'd
like to raise the question whether the extra ceremony is warranted by that





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