java.lang.StringTemplate.RAW is not implicitly imported?

Remi Forax forax at
Tue Nov 14 14:31:53 UTC 2023

For me, 
RAW does not need to be imported by default, it's uses is not that frequent, it's more like FMT than STR. 


> From: "Jim Laskey" <james.laskey at>
> To: "Ella Ananeva" <ella.ananeva at>
> Cc: "amber-dev" <amber-dev at>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 2:38:59 PM
> Subject: Re: java.lang.StringTemplate.RAW is not implicitly imported?

> Thank you for pointing that out. We will revise.

>> On Nov 13, 2023, at 5:03 PM, Ella Ananeva <ella.ananeva at> wrote:

>> Hi team,
>> Reading the JEP 459 spec, I see this:
>> The static members STR and RAW declared in the predefined interface
>> StringTemplate , as if the declarations import static
>> java.lang.StringTemplate.STR; and import static java.lang.StringTemplate.RAW;
>> appeared at the beginning of each compilation unit immediately after any
>> package declaration.
>> As a result, the names of all implicitly imported classes, interfaces and static
>> fields are available as simple names in every compilation unit.
>> So, I assume this should work:
>> package test ;

>> public class Example {

>> public static void main ( String argv[]) {
>> int a = 1 ;
>> StringTemplate raw = RAW. " \{ a}" ;
>> }
>> }
>> But I get
>> java:7: error: cannot find symbol
>> StringTemplate raw = RAW."\{a + b}";
>> ^
>> symbol: variable RAW
>> location: class Example
>> java --version
>> java 22-internal 2024-03-19
>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build
>>, mixed mode, sharing)
>> This code compiles if I add a static import import static
>> java.lang.StringTemplate.RAW;
>> STR is available through static import, so it’s only RAW that causes issues.
>> Could it be a bug in JDK?
>> Thank you,
>> Ella Ananeva
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