JEP 463: Implicitly Declared Classes (Second Preview) - Draft Spec Clarification

Sivakumar Gurusamy sivakumar.gurusamy at
Mon Nov 27 12:38:35 UTC 2023

Hello All,
The JEP 445 (Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (First Preview)) didn't define class name generated for unnamed classes that made difficult to develop JCK21 tests.
               Thanks to the change in JEP 463 (Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods (Second Preview)). Now more JCK22 test can be developed and run.
               But some difficulty remain: As per JEP 463  class name is "determined by the host system".
               The spec hints typical algorithm how the class name can be generated.
               But what JCK tests can do in other (non-typical) cases ?
               A question: Can a host generate arbitrary class name indeterministically/randomly?
                If the generated class name  can't be determined then  execution step has to be skipped thus weakening tests.
                Please suggest.
Thank you,
JCK Team

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