Bridging the divide between unconditionalitty and exhaustiveness for ReferenceType patterns

Steffen Yount steffenyount at
Wed Oct 11 23:25:59 UTC 2023

Amber devs,

For the Patterns available to us in Java 21 it has been noted that:
1) TypePatterns match unconditionally, that is to say they are "null
matching". Meanwhile RecordPatterns at most match exhaustively leaving null
valued ReferenceTypes in the remainder, that is to say RecordPatterns are
"non-null matching" or "instance matching".

2) It's the "null hostility" of the "switch" and "instanceof" operators
that prevents TypePatterns from matching/dominating the null values there:

* In the case of "switch" a null valued ReferenceType selector expression
will cause a NullPointerException to be thrown by the  switch operator
unless the "case null" switch label has been declared in its switch block.

* In the case of "instanceof" evaluation, when the the RelationalExpression
is null valued, null is interpreted semantically as "not an instance" and
thus also as "not an instance of" the ReferenceType (or Pattern) found to
the right of the "instanceof" keyword.

This dichotomy between TypePatterns and RecordPatterns illustrates a gap in
current pattern matching coverage wherein we cannot match null vs non-null
vs nullable for non-record ReferenceTypes.

I would love to see this gap closed.

In JEP 455, I can see there's a lot of work going into making Patterns work
well with PrimitiveTypes, is anyone looking into making Patterns work
better with these ReferenceTypes?

What are your thoughts on closing this pattern matching coverage gap and
maybe implementing something like the following:

The current Java 21 Pattern definitions look like


The TypePattern part could be deconstructed and extended giving new Pattern
definitions that look more like:

    PrimitivePattern (PrimitiveType)
    RecordPattern    (non-null valued record ReferenceType)
    InstancePattern  (non-null valued ReferenceType)
    NullPattern      (null valued ReferenceType)
    ReferencePattern (ReferenceType)

1) The InstancePattern matching a ReferenceType T and the NullPattern
matching that same ReferenceType T are complements of each other and
exhaustively cover the match space of a ReferencePattern matching that same
ReferenceType T

2) The ReferencePattern matching a ReferenceType T dominates both a
NullPattern and a InstancePattern matching that same ReferenceType T

3) The RecordPattern matching a record ReferenceType T for a Record
declared with a zero-arg constructor exhaustively covers the
InstancePattern matching that same ReferenceType T

4) The InstancePattern matching a record ReferenceType T dominates a
RecordPattern matching that same ReferenceType T

Sample of proposed Pattern notation:

match-only Pattern notation:
    PrimitivePattern: int
    RecordPattern:    Bat(_,_)
    InstancePattern:  Bat()
    NullPattern:      null
    ReferencePattern: Bat

match+projection Pattern notation:
    PrimitivePattern: int ii
    RecordPattern:    Bat(_,_) bb
    InstancePattern:  Bat() bb
    NullPattern:      null bb
    ReferencePattern: Bat bb

(When matched, the pattern's named variables are projected into the
appropriate declaration scope)

Proposed Pattern appearance and idiomatic familiarity:
    PrimitivePattern: Resembles a local PrimitiveType variable declaration
    RecordPattern:    Resembles an "all-args" constructor call for a record
    InstancePattern:  Resembles a "no-args" constructor call for a
    NullPattern:      Resembles a ReferencePattern where the ReferenceType
has been replaced with the NullLiteral
    ReferencePattern: Resembles a local ReferenceType variable declaration

Does this notation feel good and Java-ish to you? Have you already got
something better figured out? Your thoughts?

Thanks for your consideration,
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