Silly and likely non-important question about StringTemplates.

forax at forax at
Mon Oct 23 13:05:51 UTC 2023

> From: "David Alayachew" <davidalayachew at>
> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Cc: "amber-dev" <amber-dev at>
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 3:01:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Silly and likely non-important question about StringTemplates.

> Hello Rémi,

> Thank you for your response!

> I am making a SWING_HTML String Template Processor that turns basic multi-line
> strings into ones that are <html> enclosed, and replace new lines with <br>.
> So, for me, most of my Strings are already made, and thus, don't need to have
> anything "inserted" into them.

> private static final Processor<String, RuntimeException> SWING_HTML =
> st ->
> "<html>"
> +
> st
> .interpolate()
> .lines()
> .collect("<br>"))
> +
> "</html>"
> ;

> It would be nice if Java put this particular processor into the Swing library
> itself at some point. But it's easy enough for me to implement myself, which is
> a nice thing about String Templates. Plus, this feature composes -- I can make
> an italics or bold processor that can translate to the various html tags that
> Swing supports. And it's safer than just putting in the tags myself because the
> curly braces will turn into compiler errors if I don't align them correctly.
> Plus, curly braces are a syntax feature, so most ide's (even VIM and EMACS!)
> will give you hints about where your curly braces are, making it much easier to
> trace issues with this.

don't forget to escape <, > et & correctly. 

> Thank you for your time and help!
> David Alayachew


> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 1:06 AM Remi Forax < [ mailto:forax at |
> forax at ] > wrote:

>>> From: "David Alayachew" < [ mailto:davidalayachew at |
>>> davidalayachew at ] >
>>> To: "amber-dev" < [ mailto:amber-dev at | amber-dev at ] >
>>> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 6:35:00 AM
>>> Subject: Silly and likely non-important question about StringTemplates.

>>> Hello Amber Dev Team,

>>> I've been playing with StringTemplates a bit more, and I had a quick question.

>>> I repeatedly find myself in the same situation -- I have a String that is
>>> already in a variable, and I want it to be the full String in the
>>> StringTemplate. What is the recommended way to do it?

>>> For example.

>>> String abc = "xyz";
>>> MY_PROCESSOR. <--- what goes here?

>> MY_PROCESSOR."\{abc}"

>>> Thank you for your time!
>>> David Alayachew

>> regards,
>> Rémi
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