anonymous records as an implementation for tuples in Java
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Wed Dec 11 16:22:41 UTC 2024
Yes, this is one of those ideas that sounds good for the first few
minutes. (C# has explored something similar with what they call
"anonymous classes", which turned out to be mostly disappointing.)
The problem is _linkage_. It's easy to write out the creation expression:
var tuple = (int id: 10, String name: "foo")
So now: what's the type of `tuple`? What can I assign it to? How do I
extract the members? How do I write a method that accepts a tuple of
(int id, String name)? What if someone passes it a tuple of (int x,
String s)? What does equals and hashCode do on these things? These
things have many potential answers, but none of them are very satisfying.
If you're going to create a tuple, presumably someone wants to consume
it, store it somewhere, extract its components. C#'s answer was that
you can only do so _within a compilation unit_ (effectively, within the
same class) because there was no guarantee that one classes { x: 1, y: 2
} was interoperable with another.
Linkage in Java is nominal; when you call a method `m("foo")`, the
caller and declaration have to agree on the types, and the method
descriptor (in this case, `(Ljava/lang;String;)V`) is recorded in the
classfile. if you want to be able to pass a tuple to a method, we have
to record something, and that means either inventing a whole new
structural type system to ensure that tuples of the wrong type don't get
exchanged, or erasing everything to some "Tuple" class (in which case
you lose names and likely types of components.)
DISCLAIMER: this is not meant to be a canonical explanation of why we
can't have it. It is literally the first 30 seconds of stuff off the
top of my head about why this is more complicated, from the perspective
of how the language holds together, than it looks.
Essentially, this doesn't really give you the expressive power people
want from tuples; what it gives you is a convenient syntactic shorthand
for packing the elements into a blob. Which makes it a fairly weak
feature, and one where, once we had it, people would immediately see its
weaknesses and then want more. So it is not any kind of shortcut; it is
mostly convincing ourselves that concise creation syntax is the only
important thing we get from tuples. But I don't think that's a good idea.
I would put this problem in the same bucket as "collection literals" --
optimized syntactic forms for common structural shapes such as lists.
This is on our radar but there are a number of higher-priority things
ahead of it, so we won't be talking about it for a while.
On 12/11/2024 10:58 AM, david Grajales wrote:
> I've noticed that the topic of tuples in Java has come up recently,
> and I wanted to take this opportunity to show an idea regarding the
> use of*"anonymous" records*as a potential implementation for tuples.
> The idea would be to create*ad-hoc records*on the fly for short lived
> methods, which don’t have a formal name but are defined by their
> components. For example, imagine something like this:
> vartuple=(intid:10, String name:"name");
> This would allow us to create simple, unnamed records with specified
> fields for quick, on-the-fly usage. Accessing values from the tuple
> could then work like this:
> var myTupleId = <>()
> for passing them as arguments to methods it could be something like this.
> void foo(Tuple<Integer, String> tuple){}
> The idea is that, as records are just classes with special constraints
> to force invariants, tuples could be records with special constraints,
> for example as they would be meant to be created on the fly for pin
> point needs, they should not have validation in the constructor or
> overriding of getters, but they would still
> get automatic|equals()|,|hashCode()|, and|toString()|methods.
> I don't know how problematic or bad this approach would be if there
> were plans to ever introduce construct tuples to Java.
> best regards.
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