Possible optimized record construction in order to use as DTO

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Jan 11 14:04:58 UTC 2024

It depends on a lot of things.  (If all arguments have defaults, then 
your initial value can even be a static constant.)  But the fact that 
your first reaction is "but won't that be slow" is one that you should 
work hard to suppress; for the vast majority of developers, our initial 
assumptions about the impact of micro performance issues on macro 
performance are usually dead wrong.  Sometimes they merely cause us to 
waste a lot of time; sometimes the consequences are much worse.

This is especially true in the domain you're asking about (big 
enterprise applications); your example was from a report, and the 
likelihood that the performance bottleneck in an enterprise reporting 
application is that each object was allocated twice is probably similar 
to the likelihood of the programmer growing an extra head.  Just write 
clear, maintainable code.

On 1/11/2024 8:56 AM, Roel Meeuws wrote:
> Thanks Brian,
> Using a reconstruction to do the trick will be much more readable 
> that what we have now, but what will the jvm actually do? Will it 
> instantiate the record twice? will all defaults (maybe expensive?) be 
> generated or optimized away?
> In the end large beans are a pain, records seem to be a better fit, 
> but construction does not "feel" right. At least with withers it will 
> improve.
> thanks again
> Roel
> --------------------------------------------
> Roel Meeuws
> Email: r.j.meeuws at gmail.com
> Mob. phone: +31 (0)6 10 82 44 01
> --------------------------------------------
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> Op do 11 jan 2024 om 14:37 schreef Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com>:
>     "Can I specify parameters by name instead of position" is a
>     frequent request.  Unfortunately there's a lot more complexity
>     under the waterline here than anyone wants to talk about.
>     The short answer to the localized question ("could we support
>     by-name invocation of the canonical record constructor") is "yes";
>     since the component names are committed as part of the classes
>     interface, it is relatively simple matter to support this for the
>     canonical constructor of records.  But that begs the question:
>     would this be a good idea (let alone "would this actually make
>     people happy.")  Let's talk about how this glass will seem X% empty.
>     First, because this is specific to records (and to a specific
>     constructor for records), this creates a seam between how you can
>     interact with records and with other classes.  That means that
>     users have to keep a "mental dictionary" of which classes are
>     records and which are not.  Second, because the use site is likely
>     to be in a separate compilation unit, you've now created an
>     impediment to migrating between records and their equivalent
>     classes, because such a migration would no longer be source
>     compatible (clients would fail to recompile).  Third, people will
>     surely find this boundary to be irregular; "why can I do it with
>     this class and not that" or "with this constructor and not that"
>     or "with constructors but not with static factories" will be
>     frequent questions; even if these questions have good answers, it
>     means that we've increased the set of fiddly rules that all
>     developers have to internalize.  And developers are rarely made
>     happy by "OK, you can do that on tuesday mornings only" solutions;
>     if anything, it creates more unhappiness that they can't do it all
>     week long.
>     And that doesn't mention the elephant in the room: default
>     values.  Most of the time, when people ask about by-name
>     invocation, the question of defaults for parameters they do not
>     name isn't far behind.  And this is where it really gets messy,
>     because this injects new complexity into an already-complex area
>     of the language (overload selection), and some painful questions
>     about binary compatibility ("surely I can add another parameter
>     with a default?")
>     However, if your record really does have reasonable defaults for
>     some fields (such as empty lists, not just null), the proposed
>     `with` mechanism would let you do what you want without a new
>     feature: define a "minimal constructor" with the required fields
>     (which fills in defaults for the others), and then combine that
>     with a reconstruction expression:
>         new Foo(reqA, reqB, reqC)
>             with { optD = 3, optQ = "Hi Bob" }
>     and you're good.
>     On 1/11/2024 7:48 AM, Roel Meeuws wrote:
>>     Dear all,
>>     This is my first message to this list, so I hope I am not
>>     proposing something which has already been discussed before. But
>>     here goes.
>>     In several projects at different companies I have seen the use of
>>     big bean classes with lots of data inside and getters, setters,
>>     toString, equals, hashcode added. In some projects the
>>     boilerplate was mitigated with Lombok, but of course recent JDKs
>>     provide the notion of Records.
>>     Now records are great data carriers with much less boilerplate,
>>     however, there is a particular problem when constructing them for
>>     very big sets.
>>     Consider a dto representing a line in some EU legal obligation
>>     report (of which there are many) that may heve hundreds of
>>     fields. When constructing such an object there is no idea of what
>>     parameter is being filled in in the code that is constructing the
>>     object
>>     e.g.
>>     record IrritatinglyBigEUReportLine(
>>       long processingId;
>>       ZonedDateTime reportTime;
>>       String firstName;
>>       String lastName;
>>       String leiCode;
>>       String legalReportingId;
>>       BigDecimal riskAmount;
>>       BigDecimal mifidRiskAmount;
>>       BigDecimal mifid2FinancialRiskAmount;
>>       BigDecimal mifid2SomeOtherAmount;
>>       ......
>>     ) {}
>>     now let's construct this:
>>     var line = new IrritatinglyBigEUReportLine(
>>       12345,
>>     ZonedDateTime.now(),
>>       "John",
>>       "Doe",
>>     "529900T8BM49AURSDO55",
>>     BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0"),
>>     BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0"),
>>     BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0"),
>>     BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0"), // anyone knows what this value is here?
>>       ...
>>     );
>>     // also this will give a compile error in my IDE, which parameter
>>     is missing now?
>>     Could we introduce a better way of initialization like the
>>     following, which is like the `with`-er syntax, I have read Brian
>>     Goetz writing about.
>>     var line = new IrritatingLuBigEUReportLine with {
>>       processingId =12345;
>>       reportTime = ZonedDateTime.now();
>>       firstName = "John";
>>       lastName = "Doe";
>>       leiCode = "529900T8BM49AURSDO55";
>>       legalReportingId = "ERE43434452ERERTTT";
>>       riskAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0");
>>       mifidRiskAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0");
>>       mifid2FinancialRiskAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0");
>>       mifid2SomeOtherAmount = BigDecimal.valueOf("100.0");
>>       ...
>>     };
>>     Roel
>>     --------------------------------------------
>>     Roel Meeuws
>>     Email: r.j.meeuws at gmail.com
>>     Mob. phone: +31 (0)6 10 82 44 01
>>     --------------------------------------------
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