error: bad file name on chimera scripts using JEP 463

Mateusz Kazimierczuk mataha at
Mon Jun 3 14:46:23 UTC 2024


I originally raised this on adoptium-support issue tracker, but was advised to
post here instead (

Chimera scripts that take advantage of JEP 463 return error: bad file name when
executed with the source code launcher. Tested with 22.0.1 on Windows and Linux,
but I would imagine it's the same on other platforms.


    @/*/ '"' 2>/dev/null || true #" 2>nul || setlocal && echo off && goto :cmd.exe

      exec java --source 22 --enable-preview "${0}" "${@}"

      (for /f delims^= %%c in (^""%ComSpec%"^") do (goto) 2>nul || title^ %%~c) ^
        && java --source 22 --enable-preview "%~dpnx0" %*
      goto :EOF

    static void main(String... args) {
        System.out.println("Write once, run anywhere");





Expected result:

    Write once, run anywhere

Actual result:

    C:\Users\user\amber.cmd:1: error: bad file name: amber.cmd
    @/*/ '"' 2>/dev/null || true #" 2>nul || setlocal && echo off && goto :cmd.exe
    1 error
    error: compilation failed

I don't believe the script itself is at fault - the following compiles normally:

    @/*/ '"' 2>/dev/null || true #" 2>nul || setlocal && echo off && goto :cmd.exe

      exec java --source 22 --enable-preview "${0}" "${@}"

      (for /f delims^= %%c in (^""%ComSpec%"^") do (goto) 2>nul || title^ %%~c) ^
        && java --source 22 --enable-preview "%~dpnx0" %*
      goto :EOF

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String... args) {
            System.out.println("Write once, run anywhere");

    $ .\amber.cmd
    Write once, run anywhere

Best regards,
Mateusz Kazimierczuk

(By the way - I can't express how excited I am for JEP 477. The nature of these
scripts makes adding import statements impossible, as a file has to start with
"@/*/", at which point it's too late to import anything - only fully-qualified
names work. Implicit java.base import removes much of the verbosity. Thanks!)

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