Scope for JEP 468: Derived record creation

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Fri Mar 1 14:24:02 UTC 2024

I do understand that there are some people who want by-keyword 
invocation *so badly* that they are willing to write bad code to gain 
the illusion of doing so.  Your example is the canonical example: 
MyRecord has no good default, but some people will be tempted to expose 
(null, null) as the default anyway (instead of rejecting those in the 
constructor) just so they can "stick it to the compiler."  (Note that 
this is fine if MyRecord actually has a reasonable default, which some 
records do, or if you create a constructor that accepts the required 
components and fills in sane defaults for the rest.)

Put more bluntly, some programmers overvalue superficial syntactic 
preferences so badly that they are willing to compromise the safety and 
correctness of their code -- and will pat themselves on the back for 
their cleverness while they do it.

> People have been asking for keyword parameters in Java for years. Whether or not
> this block syntax is what the language designers would choose for keyword
> parameters, I think that if we introduce this feature without some way to
> construct new instances it will become the de facto syntax. It's just too
> tempting.

Oh, I get people want this.  And that bad programmers will surely do 
this.  (And then they'll complain that they can't do it with classes, or 
with factories, or that it interferes with compatible migration from 
records to classes.)  But I don't think we should let their threatened 
bad behavior drive language design decisions.

People think they want keyword parameters, but that's not really what 
they want -- they just don't realize it yet.  What they really want is 
keyword parameters *plus being able to omit parameters that have a 
default*.  These two may sound like almost the same thing, but the 
difference in reality is huge.  And as someone who has spent more time 
thinking about this problem in Java than probably anyone else, I promise 
you this is not the triviality it may seem.  So our antipathy to named 
invocation is not just that it is a "meh" feature; it is that its cost 
and benefit are way out of line with each other.

On 2/29/2024 7:39 PM, Chris Bouchard wrote:
> Hi there. I'm new to this mailing list, but I had a similar thought to Swaranga
> recently when this JEP was posted on Reddit.
> Personally, my primary concern isn't having nice syntax for constructing
> records. It's that if we *don't* provide nice syntax for constructing records,
> people will be incentivized to hack it in by overloading the new "with" syntax.
> For example, consider something like
>      record MyRecord(String foo, String bar) {
>          MyRecord {
>              // We'd prefer to reject nulls entirely, but we'll allow all nulls
>              // to have a "blank" object.
>              if (allNull(foo, bar))
>                  return;
>              // With that out of the way, validate our *actual* constraints.
>              if (anyNull(foo, bar) || foo.length < 1 || bar.length < 1)
>                  throw MyDomainException();
>          }
>          public static MyRecord blank() {
>              return MyRecord(null, null);
>          }
>      }
> Now I can say
>      var value = MyRecord.blank() with {
>          bar = "World";
>          foo = greeting(bar);
>      };
> Except that now, because my model didn't have a natural "blank" value, I've
> added an *un*natural one in the interest of ergonomics. This "blank" object has
> to be a valid record value. And since the with block's variables are all
> initialized to null, users can accidentally run into problems with partial
> initialization.
>      var value = MyRecord.blank() with {
>          // Whoops, forgot to initialize bar so it's still null.
>          // bar = "World";
>          foo = greeting(bar);  // NPE
>      }
> On the other hand, if we provided an actual way to initialize a fresh record
> using this block syntax, we could say that all variables in the block are
> unitialized to start and must be assigned before use. And this initial state
> wouldn't have to be accepted by the constructor.
> People have been asking for keyword parameters in Java for years. Whether or not
> this block syntax is what the language designers would choose for keyword
> parameters, I think that if we introduce this feature without some way to
> construct new instances it will become the de facto syntax. It's just too
> tempting.
> Thanks for your time and attention,
> Chris Bouchard
> On Thu Feb 29 23:11:32 UTC 2024, Brian Goetz wrote:
>> While such a feature is possible, I am not particularly excited about it
>> for several reasons.  If the goal is "I want to construct using named
>> instead of position arguments" (which I think is your goal), it's a
>> pretty verbose syntax; a better one would be
>>      new R(a: 1, b: 2)
>> But that's a much smaller concern.  The bigger one is that I don't think
>> the language is improved by having a named parameter mechanism for
>> records, but for nothing else (not for instantiating class instances,
>> not for invoking methods.)  While it might seem "better than nothing",
>> having two different ways to do something, but one of them only works in
>> narrow situations, is as likely to be frustrating than beneficial.  If
>> the payoff is big enough, then it might be a possibility, but
>> "invocation by parameter name" is nowhere near that bar.
>> Finally, if it works for records but not for classes, it makes it harder
>> to refactor from records to classes, since there will be use sites that
>> have to be adjusted.
>> So I think for the time being, the answer is "no", though if we run out
>> of things to work on, we might reconsider.
>> On 2/29/2024 4:34 PM, Swaranga Sarma wrote:
>>> The JEP looks really promising. However I am wondering if there will
>>> be a separate JEP for creating new records from scratch with similar
>>> syntax.
>>> The current JEP states that its goals are to enable creating records
>>> from an existing record and for that it seems sufficient. But I would
>>> also love to be able to create new records from scratch using the same
>>> syntax. Something like:
>>> var circle = new Circle with {
>>>    radius = 0.5f;
>>>    center = new Center with {
>>>      x = 0;
>>>      y = -1;
>>>      z = 8;
>>>    };
>>> };
>>> Originally I had asked Brian Goetz about record literals and they
>>> seemed like a possibility but withers seem like a more general feature
>>> so I am hoping something like this would be supported in the future.
>>> Regards
>>> Swaranga Sarma

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