Possible future implicit import of static methods
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Tue Mar 4 14:16:39 UTC 2025
The question of automatically statically importing certain "important"
methods was a fraught one, and the more we investigated it, the more we
regretted opening this particular Pandora's Box.
The reality is that any method that is static-imported by the language,
effectively is elevated to a "language feature", just one with a
regularized syntax. And this is a pretty high bar. We started with
`println`, which almost everyone thought "obviously" was important
enough to be important enough to clear that bar. But once we started
investigating, the "next most important" method could barely jump 10% as
high as println did, and it went downhill from there. Indeed, it seems
we were mostly trying to extrapolate from a single example.
As part of the exploration, we looked at the set of "built in" functions
in other languages, such as Python, and asked ourselves: "would we be
proud of this set of built-in functions." And the answer was that it
was really kind of an accidental grab bag, and we surely didn't want
that -- and we couldn't imagine how we wouldn't end up with that.
The inevitable bikeshedding of "please elevate my favorite method" would
indeed be a ongoing, contentious-at-times, expensive process. But
that's not even the worst part -- we would surely end up with yet
another accidental grab bag, which does not help users form a coherent
mental model of these specially-treated functions.
So we are actually feeling quite good about the conclusion of "nothing
is auto-static-imported".
On 3/3/2025 9:14 PM, mirage wrote:
> Still, I believe it would be worth considering—perhaps in a future
> JEP—the implicit import of some of the most commonly used static
> methods in java.lang (maybe including IO, Math, and utility methods in
> wrapper classes), not just for compact source files but for all file
> types. I’ve always found it odd to limit such improvements to
> “classless main files” or files with an implicit class declaration.
> Many utility methods in java.lang are so fundamental and universally
> used that it’s unlikely anyone would bring in a third-party library
> just to parse a string to a numeric value or vice versa. Therefore,
> the rationale for requiring explicit class declarations (to identify
> the source of these methods and distinguish between similarly named
> methods in different classes) doesn’t seem very compelling in these
> basic cases. Removing the implicit static import from this JEP leaves
> the door open for a future JEP to go further.
> I realize the main challenge is deciding which static methods deserve
> this special treatment (and there will always be people advocating for
> their personal favorites). However, these methods could be introduced
> gradually, and the implicit import wouldn’t break source compatibility.
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