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<font size="4" face="monospace">What you're really saying is "I want
more than you're giving me." And there's nothing wrong with
wanting more. You seem to have mostly accepted that the primitive
is "read a line of input as a string", but it leaves you with a
problem: you don't want to read strings, you want to read
numbers. That's all fine.<br>
But the flip side of "this isn't good enough, give us more" is
that if there isn't a "more" that is good enough to meet the the
bar, you're going to get ... nothing. It's a foundational design
principle for Java (thanks James!) that if you don't know the
right thing to do, then don't do anything (yet). The alternatives
that have been proposed (all of which we already went through
before they came around again here) did not meet the bar. This is
what meets the bar. It may not be as much as you want, but it is
something, and it combines with all the other possible next
steps. <br>
As a teacher, you have many choices. You can keep doing what
you've been doing, teaching Scanner; many teachers will. Or you
could distribute your own library of convenience methods -- many
teachers do. Or you could teach Integer::parseInt, which is
messy, but has the benefit of being exactly as messy as the
problem is -- which is also a useful lesson. Or, or, or, or. <br>
And if you don't like the magic static import, don't use it! Tell
your students to use `SimpleIO::readAStringPlease`. We are not
trying to create a beginners dialect here. <br>
All of this is to say: we are not trying to put out a One True
Only Way To Teach Java. We're smoothing out the path in a way
that admits many teaching paths, including ignoring all this
stuff. Is there more that could be done? Of course. And when we
have a *good* candidate for what the next hundred feet of onramp
looks like, we will proceed. And I am confident that it will not
conflict with these first hundred feet, because -- how could it?
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/20/2024 6:44 AM, Cay Horstmann
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:d351f8d9-5654-4f3e-a887-d9a2f9d9d024@horstmann.com">I am
one of the people who writes books for beginners. I have a whole
bunch of example programs that involve reading numbers. Professors
adopting my books have a ton of exercises that involve reading
numbers. I can't ignore reading numbers.
I agree that input and println are reasonable primitives for
beginners, and that number parsing can be done in a separate step.
But if that parsing step is not simple for beginners, I don't
think input will find much use for beginners either.
For my books, I need to decide what to do in the (n + 1)st
edition. Should I stick with
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("How old are you? ");
int age = in.nextInt();
or switch to
println("How old are you?");
int age = in.nextInt();
or go all the way to
int age = Integer.parseInt(input("How old are you"));
I have no conceptual problem with in.nextInt(). I need to explain
method calls early on, so that students can work with strings.
With the new way, I have a different problem. Now I need to
explain to students that they can call an unqualified input, but
parseInt needs to be qualified. And I have to accelerate the
coverage of static methods.
As Brian says, there are too many conflicting goals.
If the goal is simplicity and consistency, it would be more useful
not to use a magic static import. If SimpleIO.input is too long,
it could be IO.in, with IO in java.lang.
If the goal is convenience, it would be better to have more
magically statically imported methods, in particular parseInt,
parseDouble. Or readAnInt, readADouble...
On 19/02/2024 18.06, Brian Goetz wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">There's a reason there are so many
opinions here: because the goals are in conflict. Everyone
wants simplicity, but people don't agree on what "simple"
means. (Cue the jokes about "I would simply not write programs
with bugs.")
Yes, getting numbers from the user is a basic task. But it is
not, in any way, simple! Because reading numbers from the input
is invariably complected with discarding things that are
"acceptably non-numbery" (e.g., whitespace), which is neither
simple nor usually terribly well documented. We've all
encountered the problem in many language runtimes where reading
a number using the "friendly way" leaves the input in a state
that requires fixing or yields surprises for the next operation.
This is because reading a number from an input stream is not any
sort of primitive; it is the composite of reading from the
input, deciding what to skip, deciding when to stop reading,
converting to another type, deciding what state to leave the
input stream in, and deciding what to do if no number could be
found (or if the number was too big to fit into an int, etc.)
This is not^3 simple!
C starts with a simple and principled answer, which is that the
IO primitive is getchar() and putchar(). Reading or writing one
character is unquestionably a primitive. (But also, unless you
are writing `cat`, no one wants to program with getchar and
putchar, because it's too primitive.)
One can make a reasonable case for "write a line / read a line"
being sensible primitives. They are simple enough: no parsing,
no deciding what to throw away, no possible errors other than
EOF, it is clear what state you leave the stream in. These may
not be what the student wants, but they are primitives a student
can deal with without having to understand parsing and error
handling and statefulness yet.
String s = getALine();
is a program every student can reason about.
But, it is true that dealing in strings, while honest and
simple, is not always what the student wants. But herein lies
the strongest argument for not trying to reinvent Scanner here:
the ability to read numbers makes the complexity of the problem,
and hence of the API, much much bigger. (Scanner was very well
intentioned, and was not written by children, and yet none of us
want to use it. That's a sign that a one-size-fits-all magic
input processing system is harder than it looks, and for
something that is explicitly aimed at beginners, is a double
warning sign.)
I could imagine someone suggesting "why don't you just add
`readLineAsInt`". But what would happen next? Well, there
would be a million requests (including from folks like Cay) of
"you should add X", and then the result is a mishmash jumble of
an API (that's already terrible), but worse, it's an onramp that
leads to nowhere. Once the user's needs are slightly more
complicated, they are nowhere.
Remi has it absolutely right (yes, I really said that) with
<blockquote type="cite">The classical program is:
input -> strings -> objects -> strings ->
We do not do users a favor by blurring the distinction between
"input -> string" and "string -> object", and because the
latter is so much more open-ended than the former, the latter
infects the former with its complexity if we try.
Is this simple API the most wonderful, be-all of APIs? Of
course not. But it is a sensible set of primitives that users
can understand and *build on* in a transparent way.
Some teachers may immediately reach for teaching
Integer::parseInt; that's a reasonable strategy, it exposes
students to the questions of "what happens when preconditions
fail", and the two compose just fine. But maybe you don't like
Integer::parseInt for some reason. Another way to teach this is
to have them write it themselves. This will expose them to all
sorts of interesting questions (what about whitespace? what
about double negatives?), but of course is also throwing in the
deep end of the pool. But SimpleIO::readMeALinePlease is
agnostic; it works with both approaches.
Could the JDK use some better tools for parsing? Sure; pattern
matching has a role to play here, a `String::unformat` would be
really cool, and I love parser combinators. All of this can
happen in the future, and none have the effect of making this
API look like yet another white elephant like Scanner. Because
it focused purely on the basics.
On 2/19/2024 7:25 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">I agree with Brian here,
as a teacher, you have to talk about parsing and formatting,
those should not be hidden.
The classical program is:
input -> strings -> objects -> strings ->
*From: *"Tagir Valeev" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:amaembo@gmail.com"><amaembo@gmail.com></a>
*To: *"Cay Horstmann" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:cay@horstmann.com"><cay@horstmann.com></a>
*Cc: *"Brian Goetz" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:brian.goetz@oracle.com"><brian.goetz@oracle.com></a>,
"amber-dev" <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:amber-dev@openjdk.org"><amber-dev@openjdk.org></a>
*Sent: *Monday, February 19, 2024 10:09:35 AM
*Subject: *Re: SimpleIO in JEP draft 8323335
I agree that simple methods to get numeric input are
essential for beginners. They should not be distracted with a
complex ceremony. Instead, they should be able to learn
control flow statements and simple algorithms as soon as
possible, having a simple way to get numbers from the user.
With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.
On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 9:10 AM Cay Horstmann
<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:cay@horstmann.com"><cay@horstmann.com></a> wrote:
Yes, that's what I am saying. If scanners live in
vain, stick with a subset of the Console methods. Use its
readLine. Make it so that SimpleIO uses System.console(). And
add print and println to Console.
The JEP talks about being able to start programming
without having to know about static methods. How does a
beginner read a number? With
What about locales? Is print/println localized?
Console.printf is. If so, how are beginners from around the
world supposed to read localized numbers? With
Adding localized readInt/readDouble to SimpleIO might
do the trick. Do they consume the trailing newline? (The
equivalent Scanner methods don't, which is definitely a sharp
edge for beginners.)
On 18/02/2024 23.08, Brian Goetz wrote:
> OK, so is this really just that that you are
bikeshedding the name? Renaming `input` to `readLine`?
> This is a perfectly reasonable naming choice, of
course, but also, not what you suggested the first time
> > ... "a third API" ...
> > ... "there are two feasible directions" ...
> So what exactly are you suggesting?
> On 2/18/2024 5:03 PM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
>> Like I said, either the scanner methods or
the console methods are fine.
>> I am of course aware of the
utility/complexity of Scanner, and can understand the
motivation to have a simpler/feebler behavior in SimpleIO.
Like the one in Console.
>> You don't have to "get a console". A
SimpleIO.readLine method can just invoke readLine on the
system console.
>> My objection is to add yet another "input"
method into the mix. "input" is weak. Does it read a token or
the entire line? Does it consume the newline? And if it does
just what readLine does, why another method name? Because
"input" is three characters fewer? Let's not count characters.
>> On 18/02/2024 22.43, Brian Goetz wrote:
>>> I think you are counting characters and
not counting concepts.
>>> Scanner has a ton of complexity in it
that can easily trip up beginners. The main sin (though there
are others) is that input and parsing are complected (e.g.,
nextInt), which only causes more problems (e.g., end of line
issues.) Reading from the console is clearly a () ->
String operation. The input() method does one thing, which is
get a line of text. That's simple.
>>> Integer.parseInt (or, soon, patterns that
match against string and bind an int) also does one thing:
convert a string from int. It may seem verbose to have to do
both explicitly, but it allows each of these operations to be
simple, and it is perfectly obvious what is going on. On the
other hand, Scanner is a world of complexity on its own.
>>> Console::readLine is nice, but first you
have to get a Console. ("Why can I print something without
having to get some magic helper object, but I can't do the
same for reading?") What we're optimizing for here is
conceptual simplicity; the simplest possible input method is
the inverse of println. The fact that input has to be
validated is a fact of life; we can treat validation
separately from IO (and we should), and it gets simpler when
you do.
>>> On 2/18/2024 4:12 PM, Cay Horstmann
>>>> I would like to comment on the
simplicity of <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://openjdk.org/jeps/8323335">https://openjdk.org/jeps/8323335</a> for beginning
>>>> I am the author of college texts for
introductory programming. Like other authors, I introduce the
Scanner class (and not Console) for reading user input. Given
that students already know about System.out, it is simpler to
>>>> System.out.print("How old are you?
>>>> int x = in.nextInt(); // in is a
>>>> than
>>>> int x =
Integer.parseInt(console.readLine("How old are you? "));
>>>> or with the JEP draft:
>>>> int x = Integer.parseInt(input("How
old are you? "));
>>>> Then again, having a prompt string is
nice too, so I could imagine using the Console API with
Integer.parseInt and Double.parseDouble, instead of
>>>> But why have a third API, i.e.
>>>> I think there are two feasible
directions. Either embrace the Scanner API and
next/nextInt/nextDouble/nextLine, or the Console API and
readLine. Adding "input" into the mix is just clutter, and
ambiguous clutter at that. At least readLine makes it clear
that the entire line is consumed.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Cay
>>>> --
>>>> Cay S. Horstmann |
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-- <br>
Cay S. Horstmann |
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