default branch placement in switch

Guy Steele guy.steele at
Thu Dec 14 19:42:06 UTC 2017

I think this is the right approach.

An alternative that should at least be considered would be to further simplify the statement of the exception by eliminating the mention of legacy types:

 - For switches which have only constant case labels (and "default"), we relax the above rule regarding default. 

> On Dec 14, 2017, at 2:39 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> Here's where I think we should come down on this.  
> First, we should appeal to the general rule about pattern ordering; if pattern X dominates Y (that is, everything that matches Y also matches X), X can't come before Y.  
> This gives us:
>  - "case null" must precede any non-constant case label
>  - "default" must come at the end.
> Now, we carve out special dispensation for existing switches:
>  - For switches whose static argument type is one of the legacy switch types (primitives, boxes, string, enum) *and* which have only constant case labels (and "default"), we relax the above rule regarding default.  
> On 12/11/2017 2:15 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>> The middle is surely awful.  Though in the JDK, we have a fair number of uses where default is the _first_ case, which isn't unreasonable, and some might argue is even clearer in some cases.  
>> The reason to tread lightly on forcing reorganization of existing switches is that it is allowable to fall into *and out of* the default case.  So if someone has:
>>     switch (x) {
>>         default:  S;   // fall through
>>         case COMMON: T; break;
>>         case UNCOMMON: U; break;
>>     }
>> then eventually getting to an error when default is not last for "legacy" switches (those where all labels are type-restating constants) means some uncomfortable refactoring just to "make the compiler happy."  So while I agree on warnings, I'm not sure if we can ever get to error in all cases without picking some fights with users.  
>> On 12/11/2017 1:16 PM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at <mailto:brian.goetz at>> wrote:
>>> or plan to eventually get to a place where default always comes last, even for "int" switches. If we want to get to the latter, we should start warning on this construct now.
>>> I favor starting to warn and eventually forbidding default in any position but last for all constructs that have it.
>>> A switch with the default in the middle is extremely weird and confusing. If I'm reading code to understand what happens when i == 3, and I read as far as
>>> switch (i) {
>>>   case 1:
>>>     justOneStuff(); break();
>>>   case 2:
>>>     justTwoStuff(); break();
>>>   default:
>>> ... then I immediately assume that this must be where execution is continuing. Worse, even if I do notice that there are more case labels to follow, and I resume searching for a `case 3:`, then when I don't find one I now risk making another error and forgetting to jump back to the default.
>>> This is kind of insane. At first I was less worried because I thought "surely no one is actually doing this"... then I browsed our codebase.... yikes.
>>> We should at least strongly consider this.
>>> On 11/3/2017 5:10 PM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> Currently the default branch can be placed in any place inside the
>>> switch operator, e.g. like this:
>>> switch(i) {
>>> case 1: System.out.println("one");break;
>>> default: System.out.println("other");break;
>>> case 2: System.out.println("two");break;
>>> }
>>> In this case behavior does not change on the order of case blocks.
>>> However in pattern matching the order of cases usually matters: if
>>> some pattern matches, this means that the subsequent patterns will not
>>> be checked. Does this mean that with pattern matching the default
>>> branch makes all the subsequent case blocks unreachable? Or default
>>> can still be located anywhere and is checked only after any other
>>> pattern?
>>> With best regards,
>>> Tagir Valeev
>>> -- 
>>> Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at <mailto:kevinb at>

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