PM design question: Scopes

Guy Steele guy.steele at
Mon Nov 20 19:02:31 UTC 2017

Okay, thanks for this clarification.  I am not a big fan of fall-through, and I think we could live with this example being an error.

(If it were to work as a natural consequence of whatever theory we finally adopt, I predict that it would get used in exactly this sort of defaulting situation.  On the other hand, it is not a completely general solution to the defaulting problem; consider

switch (x) {
  case Quux(int y):
	int x = y;
	// would also like to get to the point after case Bar, but can’t “fall through” into it.
  case Foo(int x):
	int y = x;
	// fall through
  case Bar(int x, int y):

so perhaps it is just as well that we not encourage it.)

> On Nov 20, 2017, at 1:55 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> On 11/20/2017 1:33 PM, Guy Steele wrote:
>> I like this.  One question: what does this new theory have to say about the situation
>> switch (x) {
>>   case Foo(int x):
>> 	int y = x;
>> 	// fall through
>>   case Bar(int x, int y):
>>>> }
> In this case, I would say that the second y is shadowing the first, and therefore this is an error.  Trying to merge the ys seems like a heroic measure.  Merging the xs, on the other hand, is clean, because at the point where the second x is bound, the first x is DU (we'd skip over the Bar(int x, int y) binding if we had matched the first case.)
> The opposite example is also interesting:
>     case Foo(int x, int y):
>         // A
>         // fall through
>     case Bar(int x): 
>         // B
> Here, y is in scope in A, but not in B; x is in scope in both A and B.  

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