[switch] Further unification on switch

Guy Steele guy.steele at oracle.com
Thu Apr 19 22:14:26 UTC 2018

> On Apr 19, 2018, at 6:27 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Can a single-statement case have a variable declaration as that statement, and what would be its scope?
> No, a local variable declaration is a BlockStatement (JLS 14.2), not a Statement (JLS 14.5).  So you could say:
>     case FOO -> println(3);
> or
>     case FOO -> {
>         int x = 4;
>         println(x);
>     }
> Of course, you don't have to ask about the scope of x.  

Please ignore my previous message; I stand corrected.  (I forgot about the distinction between Statement and a BlockStatement.  Time for me to go home and get some supper.)


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