Raw string literals and Unicode escapes

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Wed Feb 14 22:46:54 UTC 2018

On Feb 14, 2018, at 2:42 PM, Alex Buckley <alex.buckley at oracle.com> wrote:
> Also, the inclusion of RawSP makes the lexing of RawStringLiteral ambiguous, since RawStringBody allows opening and closing whitespace. No doubt this can be fixed with rules involving "If the first character after RawSP is a backtick ...", but now being like Markdown is getting expensive.

These matters are already covered in the draft, under the blanket
provision that the RSB cannot contain a close-quote sequence.
So I don't think I swept anything under the covers there.

A similar effect could be gotten by replacing RawSP with any
other raw character (fixed by the JLS), such as period ``.asdf.``,
double-quote ``"asdf"``, etc.

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