Raw string literals and Unicode escapes

Guy Steele guy.steele at oracle.com
Tue Feb 27 21:19:15 UTC 2018

> On Feb 27, 2018, at 4:33 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Which leads us to the following theoretical result: the ```` mechanism does not require you to grub around in the interior of the string AT ALL if you don’t want to.  All you need to know is the length.  If the length of the raw string is n, and it does not begin or end with ` (a necessary check in any case), then using n-1 backquote characters before and after will always do the job.
>> In practice, many programmers (and programs) will be willing to do a quick search to see whether “```” or failing that “````” happens to be absent from the raw string. :-)
> Or the IDE will helpfully suggest a sensible number of quotes when you do quote-quote-paste.

The IDE is a program.  I refer to my previous statement.  :-)  But thanks for the clarification.

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