Targeting JEP 326: Raw String Literal for JDK 12

Guy Steele guy.steele at
Thu Jul 5 20:37:35 UTC 2018

> On Jul 5, 2018, at 4:11 PM, Jim Laskey <james.laskey at> wrote:
> With your guidance, we consider the Raw String Literal design and initial implementation has stabilized enough to target JEP 326 as a Preview Language Feature in JDK 12. Before we proceed, we’d like review some of recommendations made since JEP 326 was proposed as Candidate.
> . . .

A warning: not all of the given “Output” examples have exactly the correct number of leading spaces on all lines.  In the example for “align()”, for example, what is shown is:


       String html = `
                                  <p>Hello World.</p>

       <p>Hello World.&</p>

but I believe the correct output would be:

        <p>Hello World.&</p>

That is, each of the middle three lines of output needed to have an additional leading space character.

Otherwise everything in the email looked okay to me.


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