Disallowing break label (and continue label) inside an expression switch

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at google.com
Fri Mar 2 16:40:05 UTC 2018

I would very much favor constraining what can be done inside an expression
switch as sharply as we can.

In fact, if we were designing the language from scratch, all at the same
time, but having already decided the behavior of the conditional operators
?: ... might we not logically design this as similarly as possible to that?

  // compare this two-way choice
  return status == ABC ? something() : somethingElse();

  // to this three-way choice
  return status *??* { ABC -> something(); DEF, XYZ -> somethingElse();
default -> somethingOther(); }

(stand-in syntax only)

You could ideally think of ?: as sugar for the latter. Might we possibly be
better off thinking of it this way, and not even worrying about
multi-statement cases (you can always extract a method)? It seems like
several of our woes disappear.

Something to consider is whether we want a construct that
readability-conscious developers will use *only* as the object of a return
statement or variable assignment (which is what I think we have,
currently), or one that they might comfortably use in-line in other
circumstances, like

  Result r = methodCall(
      status *??* {
        ABC -> something();
        DEF, XYZ -> somethingElse();
        default -> somethingOther();

I can see that usage at least being debatable, while I suspect we might
frown on it all spelled out with `switch` and `case`....?

As a last point in its favor, `null` can be treated completely normally -
if you didn't list `null ->` or `ABC, null ->`, etc., then use the default.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 8:12 AM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

> Thanks for bringing this up.  I remember it being discussed once before,
> but I don't think we acted on it.
> I agree that expression switch is an expression, and it should either
> yield a value or throw something; breaking out of the middle of an
> expression is not something we have, nor does it seem necessary. (Though
> I'm sure clever folks could come up with a good example where it would be
> convenient.)
> A sensible extension of this is no "return" from a switch expression
> either:
>     int foo(int x) {
>         return switch (x) {
>             case 1 -> 2;
>             case 2 -> 4;
>             case 3 -> 8;
>             default: return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
>         }
>     }
> Like conditionals, then, switch expressions would either yield a value
> (through breaking) or throw.  This seems consistent, but...what happens
> when we nest a statement in a switch expression?
>     void foo(int x, int y, int z) {
>         TOP:
>         switch (z) {
>             case 1:
>                 int i = switch (x) {
>                     case 1 -> 2;
>                     case 2:
>                         switch (y) {
>                             case 1: return;
>                             default: break TOP;
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
>     }
> Do we disallow the "break TOP" and return in the inner switch? IOW, does
> the expression form a barrier through which control can only pass via break
> or exceptions?
> On 3/2/2018 9:30 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as far as i remember, the current idea to differentiate between a break
>> label and a break value is to let the compiler figure this out,
>> i wonder if it's not simpler to disallow break label (and continue label)
>> inside an expression switch.
>> After all, an expression switch do not exist yet, so no backward
>> compatibility issue, it may make some refactoring impossible but had the
>> great advantage to do not allow a lot of puzzler codes like the one below.
>> enum Result {
>>    ONE, MANY
>> }
>> Result result(String[] args) {
>>    ONE: for(String s: args) {
>>       return switch(s) {
>>         case "several":
>>         case "many":
>>           break MANY;
>>         case "one":
>>           break ONE;
>>         default:
>>           continue;
>>       };
>>    }
>>    throw ...;
>> }
>> Rémi

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at google.com
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