break seen as a C archaism

Guy Steele guy.steele at
Thu Mar 15 19:18:34 UTC 2018

> On Mar 15, 2018, at 3:06 PM, Mark Raynsford <mark at> wrote:
> On 2018-03-15T14:50:45 -0400
> Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
>>> If you are reconsidering options, reconsider "yield", meaning
>>>   "break current context with this value".  
>> Still feeling a little burned by first time we floated this, but willing 
>> to try another run up the flagpole....
> Silly idea, but... *puts on fireproof suit*:
>  "finally x;"

Interestingly, the keywords `try` and `catch` and `finally` currently must each be followed by a block, so there is indeed syntactic space to use each one with a following expression instead. 

Which only suggests that . . . *puts on fireproof suit and then climbs into a concrete bunker and slams the door*:

   “try x;”

would be shorter and no sillier.


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