Expression switch exception naming

Kevin Bourrillion kevinb at
Fri Mar 30 15:09:12 UTC 2018

I think my overarching point is still this one:

"Today, an experienced developer knows that there is a category of Errors
that, when you see them in the absence of reflection, always implicate this
kind of classpath issue. I can't see why this would not belong in that same

The distinction, when a stack trace has just ruined my day, of whether I
need to start thinking hard about what *real* mistake I might have made *in
my code, *or whether I probably just have Class Path Insanity I should
check out first, seems to be like a very high order distinction - more
useful to illuminate than other various distinctions we can make.

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at>

> I have been figuring that if the client *has* a reasonable way to handle
> unknown values then it will probably go ahead and do that (with a
> `default`).
> I think that's a fair assumption for your codebase, but not in general.
> Developers will surely do this:
>     x = switch (trafficLight) {
>         case RED -> ...
>         case YELLOW -> ...
>         case GREEN -> ...
>     }
> and leave out a default because they can.  So they get a default default,
> one that throws.  No problem.
> The only question here is: what to throw.  My argument is that Error is
> just too strong an indicator.  (It's like using fatal as your logging level
> for everything; it would be more useful to use warning for things that
> aren't fatal).
> From the Error doc:
> An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that
> a reasonable application should not try to catch. Most such errors are
> abnormal conditions.
> Serious problems mean that underlying VM mechanism have failed.
> Encountering an unexpected input is not in this category.  Sure, it
> deserves an exception, but its not an ICCE.
> Therefore I assumed that what we're talking about in this conversation is
> the* other* kind, where there is nothing safe they can do - for example
> if I wrote a method that displays a time interval as "10 ns" or "20 s", I
> may not find it acceptable for me to start displaying "30 <unknown unit>"
> once I get handed TimeUnit.DAYS. My code is broken either way. If a
> constant is added, I need to react to that, just like I do with a new
> interface method. What does it really mean to say that this client "brings
> a piece of the responsibility" if it doesn't really have a choice?
> It's not unlike this:
>     AnEnum e = f(...);
>     switch (e) {
>         ...
>     }
> and not being prepared for a null.  You'll get an NPE.  The local code
> isn't expected to deal with it, but somewhere up the stack, someone is
> prepared to deal with it, discard the offending incoming work item, log
> what happened, and re-enter the work loop.
> So, I'm not quite yet following why the binary/source compatibility
> distinction, or the opt-in distinction, really makes all the difference
> here.
> Some incompatibilities are more of a fire drill than others.  Binary
> incompatibilities (e.g., removing a method) are harder to recover from than
> unexpected inputs.  Further, while there may be no good _local_ recover for
> an unexpected input, there often is a reasonable global recovery.  Error
> means "fire drill".  I claim this doesn't rise to the level of Error; it's
> more like NumberFormatException or NPE or ClassCastException.

Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. | kevinb at
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