Lifting the restriction on the number of public classes per file
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Tue Nov 27 17:47:25 UTC 2018
When we have sealed classes and records, it will be practical and
sensible to declare entire related hierarchies together:
sealed interface Shape { }
record Circle(Point center, int radius) extends Shape;
record Square(Point corner, int length) extends Shape;
Not only is it inconvenient for the writer to require each get their own
source file, but more importantly, it is bad for the reader --
separating these declarations makes it hard to see what is a group of
related entities. (Imagine if we required a separate source file for
each enum constant; it would be much harder to see the structure of an
enum.) So we want to encourage this sort of co-declaration.
It is an easy rejoinder to say "Then just declare them as nested in the
Shape, and use static imports to clean up the use-site damage from
that." But this is a bad answer, because, as Remi and Maurizio point
out, this affects _the structure of your public API_. But that means
we're putting users in a place where they get to pick two of the
following three features:
- Use sealing
- Declare a sealed hierarchy with its source together
- Declare a flat API
I've seen API style guides that forbid the use of public nested
classes. And while I don't personally program this way, I think its a
not-ridiculous house style. But then people in this situation have to
write in a less readable, less maintainable way.
So, my "for whatever reason" means: People should get to choose the
shape of their exported APIs (and flat is a valid shape preference), and
not be forced into a particular shape because they want to use sealing.
The API shape above -- a sum of records -- is one we should encourage,
not discourage.
On 11/26/2018 2:43 PM, Kevin Bourrillion wrote:
> Sorry for delay. Can we unpack the "for whatever reason" part? For
> what reason?
> Unsurprisingly to anyone, we actually hard-ban this practice here.
> Multiple top-level classes per file just make code harder to find;
> what are the advantages?
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 8:35 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at
> <mailto:brian.goetz at>> wrote:
> This was received through amber-spec-comments.
> I agree with the general sentiment, especially for sealed types,
> where we want to define an entire sealed type hierarchy in a
> single compilation unit (but for whatever reason, prefer not to
> nest the subtypes in the super type.) There are some details to
> be worked out (e.g., use of the SourceFile attribute by tools).
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *Francois Green < at
>> < at>>
>> *Subject: **Lifting the restriction on the number of public
>> classes per file*
>> *Date: *November 11, 2018 at 10:09:06 PM GMT+1
>> *To: *amber-spec-comments at
>> <mailto:amber-spec-comments at>
>> In the face of the changes in code style that records will bring
>> about, has
>> there been renewed discussion about lifting the restriction?
>> public interface Blue;
>> public record IKB() implements Blue;
>> public record Azure() implements Blue;
>> public record Royal() implements Blue;
>> Having to place each line in the code above in its own file seems
>> harsh.
> --
> Kevin Bourrillion | Java Librarian | Google, Inc. |kevinb at
> <mailto:kevinb at>
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