String reboot (plain text)
forax at
forax at
Sat Apr 6 16:36:50 UTC 2019
> De: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Envoyé: Samedi 6 Avril 2019 18:14:00
> Objet: Re: String reboot (plain text)
> Yes, because when I said “these are for the later part of the discussion, we’re
> going to leave it to sit until then”, what I meant of course was “please post
> your opinions on it now”…
ok, ok, no syntax, what i should have said is that any prefix/suffix will do the job.
I understand that you want to separate the steps and build a consensus,
i think we are spending a lot of time on the raw part, we should decide a syntax and move to the real question, do we offer support for alignment directly in the language or not ?
>> On Apr 6, 2019, at 11:52 AM, Remi Forax < [ mailto:forax at |
>> forax at ] > wrote:
>> I lke the r prefix because most people think the r prefix means regular
>> expression.
>> Rémi
>>> De: "Brian Goetz" < [ mailto:brian.goetz at | brian.goetz at ] >
>>> À: "amber-spec-experts" < [ mailto:amber-spec-experts at |
>>> amber-spec-experts at ] >
>>> Envoyé: Samedi 6 Avril 2019 17:47:25
>>> Objet: Fwd: String reboot (plain text)
>>> Received on amber-spec-comments. These are mostly comments on syntax options
>>> that are for later parts of the discussion, so I’m reading them into the record
>>> now, and we’re going to leave them to sit until then.
>>> High-order summary:
>>> - Please consider prefixes a”…” for auto-align and r”…” for raw.
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Stephen Colebourne < [ mailto:scolebourne at | scolebourne at
>>>> ] >
>>>> Subject: Re: String reboot (plain text)
>>>> Date: March 21, 2019 at 11:14:53 AM EDT
>>>> To: [ mailto:amber-spec-comments at |
>>>> amber-spec-comments at ]
>>>> Cc: Brian Goetz < [ mailto:brian.goetz at | brian.goetz at ] >
>>>> On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 17:52, Brian Goetz < [ mailto:brian.goetz at |
>>>> brian.goetz at ] > wrote:
>>>>> So, in the spirit of “keep ordering until sated, but stop there”, here are some
>>>>> reasonable choices.
>>>>> 1. Do multi-line (escaped) strings with a “”” fixed delimiter. Large benefit,
>>>>> small cost. Most embedded snippets don’t need any escaping. Low cost, big
>>>>> payoff.
>>>>> 1a. Do 1, but automatically reflow multi-line strings using the equivalent of
>>>>> String::align. There have been reasonable proposals on how to do this; where
>>>>> they fell apart is the interaction with raw-ness, but if we separate ML and
>>>>> raw, these become reasonable again. Higher cost, but higher payoff; having
>>>>> separated the interaction with raw strings, this is more defensible.
>>>>> 2. Do (1) or (1a), and add: single-line raw string literals delimited by \”…”\.
>>>>> 2a. Do (1) or (1a), and also support multi-line raw string literals (where we
>>>>> _don’t_ automatically apply String::align; this can be done manually). Note
>>>>> that this creates anomalies for multi-line raw string literals starting with
>>>>> quotes (this can be handled with concatenation, and having separated ML and
>>>>> raw, this is less of a problem than before).
>>>>> 3. Do (2) and (2a), and also support a repeating compound delimiter with
>>>>> multiple backslashes and a quote.
>>>> My views have not changed dramatically from my last mail [1]. As per
>>>> these options, I think the language would benefit from 1, 1a, 2 and 2a
>>>> type changes. I think the choice between 1 and 1a is a false one. I'm
>>>> not convinced 3 is worth pursuing.
>>>> I agree that triple double-quote is the right mechanism for multi-line
>>>> strings - an obvious direction for Java. I'm happy to accept 1 on its
>>>> own *providing that 1a can be added later*. My preference is for """
>>>> to be the delimiter for non-aligned multi-line strings, and for a
>>>> single letter prefix 'a' to be used for aligned strings, eg. a""" ...
>>>> """
>>>> For raw strings I personally find the syntax /" ... "/ or /""" ...
>>>> """/ unpleasant. While the argument of "distributing the escape over
>>>> the string" makes some sense in the abstract, the result is not
>>>> appealing to read. Given that I believe aligned and non-aligned
>>>> strings should be separated by a single letter prefix, I believe that
>>>> raw strings and non-raw strings should also be separated by a single
>>>> letter prefix:
>>>> """ - multi-line with-escapes & non-aligned
>>>> a""" - multi-line with-escapes & aligned
>>>> r""" - multi-line raw & non-aligned
>>>> ra""" - multi-line raw & aligned
>>>> " - single-line with-escapes
>>>> r" - single-line raw
>>>> And yes, I do think you can have raw and aligned as a combination. I
>>>> think using prefix letters is more extensible, more orthogonal and
>>>> clearer than using /""" ... """/.
>>>> thanks
>>>> Stephen
>>>> [1] [
>>>> | ]
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