Alignment algorithm (was: Wrapping up the first two courses)
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Mon Apr 22 16:04:35 UTC 2019
On 4/22/2019 11:26 AM, Jim Laskey wrote:
> Current "strip incidentals" algorithm as captured in String::align
> (string-tapas branch)
> public String align(int n) {
> if (isEmpty()) {
> return "";
> }
> long count = lines().count();
> if (count == 1) {
> return strip();
> }
> int outdent = lines().skip(1)
> .filter(not(String::isBlank))
> .mapToInt(String::indexOfNonWhitespace)
> .min()
> .orElse(0);
> String last = lines().skip(count - 1).findFirst().orElse("");
> boolean lastIsBlank = last.isBlank();
> if (lastIsBlank) {
> outdent = Integer.min(outdent, last.length());
> }
> return indentStream(lines(1, 1), n - outdent).map(s ->
> s.stripTrailing())
> .collect(Collectors.joining("\n", "", lastIsBlank ? "\n" : ""));
> }
> 2. long count = lines().count();
> if (count == 1) {
> return strip();
> }
> Single line strings (no line terminators) are simply stripped.
> """ single line """ ==> "single line"
I think we should reconsider this one. The interpretation we settled on
is: we're willing to treat a multi-line string as being a sequence of
lines, not just of characters, and we're willing to strip incidental
whitespace that arises from accidents of how the string is embedded in
the program. But a single-line string doesn't have any of that; I think
it should be left alone, regardless of quotes.
> 3. int outdent = lines().skip(1) ...
> Ignoring first line, determine least number of leading whitespaces for all
> non-blank lines.
> String s = """
> ................line 1..
> ....................line 2.
> """; ==> 16
I think we should reconsider whether a non-blank first line means that
we should consider any indentation on the first line too. This has the
likely-beneficial side-effect that having a non-blank character
immediately following the """ effectively means "no stripping."
Considering the indentation of the _last_ blank line gives the user more
control while not requiring the user to distort indentation for common
cases. So +1 to "CDI".
> Options;
> 2. a) Single line strings would be just stripLeading, but should
> beconsistent
> with multi-line and stripTrailing.
> """ single line """ ==> "single line "
> b) We could do nothing for single line.
> """ single line """ ==> " single line "
I vote (b).
> 5. a) If we omit close delimiter influence, only the content
> influences the
> indentation. Loss of control by the user.
I think CDI is fine.
> 6. a) Could strip all leading/trailing blank lines, but awkward to
> recover the
> LOI. Not recommending.
> 9. a) Always add a last \n. Loss of control by the user.
The current behavior pairs nicely with CDI.
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