Record Serialization - Update

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Fri Aug 23 14:39:54 UTC 2019

As a follow up to the message posted on amber-spec-experts [1], it turns
out that supporting record serialization directly in the serialization
runtime is relatively straight forward ( see draft specification changes
below (*) ), and provides seamless migration from record-like classes to
records ( and vica versa ). This is somewhat similar(ish) to how enums
are supported, but without any change to the protocol format.

  - For a record to be serializable, it must `implements Serializable`.
  - The serial form of a record is it's state components. It is not
    customizable (*).
  - Serialization will only construct a record through its canonical
    constructor ( no other reflection / unsafe magic ).
  - The record components are, obviously, deserialized prior to the
    constructor being invoked.
  - Serialization will ignore pretty much all of the magic methods, if
    they appear in a record (**).
  - Record-like class to record migration is supported (and vice versa),
    since the stream format is not changed.
  - No need for "best match" constructor, just invoke the canonical
    constructor with the appropriate stream field values, or the the
    default value of the component's declared type if absent from the
  - Apart from helpful warnings/errors, javac can almost forget about

Minimal specification changes are required to ObjectInputStream and
ObjectOutputStream ( there will of course be equivalent wording in the
separate Serialization spec [2].

--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
@@ -139,6 +139,18 @@
  * serialVersionUID field declarations are also ignored--all enum types have a
  * fixed serialVersionUID of 0L.
+ * <p> When Preview Features are enabled...
+ * Record objects are serialized differently than ordinary serializable or
+ * externalizable objects.  The serialized form of a record object is its state
+ * components ( in the same format as that of an ordinary object ). Like other
+ * serializable or externalizable objects, record objects can function as the
+ * targets of back references appearing subsequently in the serialization stream.
+ * The process by which record objects are serialized cannot be customized; any
+ * class-specific writeObject, writeReplace, and writeExternal, methods defined
+ * by record classes are ignored during serialization. Similarly, a
+ * serialPersistentFields field declaration is also ignored -- all record
+ * classes have a fixed serial form. The serialVersionUID may be set.
+ *
  * <p>Primitive data, excluding serializable fields and externalizable data, is
  * written to the ObjectOutputStream in block-data records. A block data record
  * is composed of a header and data. The block data header consists of a marker

--- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/io/
  * Similarly, any serialPersistentFields or serialVersionUID field declarations
  * are also ignored--all enum types have a fixed serialVersionUID of 0L.
+ * <p> When Preview Features are enabled...
+ * Record objects are deserialized differently than ordinary serializable or
+ * externalizable objects. The serialized form of a record object is its state
+ * components ( in the same format as that of an ordinary object ). During
+ * deserialization, if the local class equivalent of the specified stream class
+ * descriptor {@linkplain Class#isRecord() is a record}, ObjectInputStream reads
+ * the record's state components from the stream; the record object is then
+ * constructed by invoking its <i>canonical constructor</i> passing the state
+ * components ( or the default value of the component's declared type if absent
+ * from the stream ).  Like other serializable or externalizable objects, record
+ * objects can function as the targets of back references appearing subsequently
+ * in the serialization stream ( but there are clearly some limitations on the
+ * nature of the structures that can be represented, by virtue of the fact that
+ * the state components are deserialized prior to the invocation of the record
+ * constructor).  The process by which record objects are deserialized cannot
+ * be customized: any class-specific readObject, readObjectNoData, readResolve,
+ * and readExternal, methods defined by record classes are ignored during
+ * deserialization. Similarly, a serialPersistentFields field declaration is
+ * also ignored -- all record classes have a fixed serial form, that is their
+ * state components. The serialVersionUID may be set.
+ *

Wording will need to be agreed around how best to have the Serialization
specification refer to records as a Preview Feature.

(**) we want to allow `writeReplace` as an escape hatch, in case for
example, a non-serializable type ends up as a component in a
serializable record, or maybe if one wants to replace the serializable
record with a proxy that, say, refers to a singleton value, or similar.



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