String reboot (plain text)
Remi Forax
forax at
Sun Feb 10 23:09:03 UTC 2019
About the formatting rules,
we can reuse the doc comment trick to use a character to specify the alignment.
String html = \"
" <html>
" <body style="width: 100vw">
" <p>Hello World.</p>
" </body>
" <script>console.log("loaded")</script>
" </html>
i think it makes the code more readable if the nonce is several characters
String html = \"""
" <html>
" <body style="width: 100vw">
" <p>Hello World.</p>
" </body>
" <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
" </html>
----- Mail original -----
> De: "Jim Laskey" <james.laskey at>
> À: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Envoyé: Dimanche 10 Février 2019 19:10:03
> Objet: Re: String reboot (plain text)
> Focus
> =====
> Instead of ordering everything on the menu and immobilizing ourselves with
> excessive gluttony, let’s focus our attention on the appetizer. If we plan
> correctly, we'll have room for entrees and desserts later.
> The appetizer here is simplifying the injection of "foreign" language code into
> Java source. Think tapas. We may well be sated by the time we’re done.
> Goal
> ====
> Repurposing the Java String as a "foreign" code literal seems to be the most
> natural and least intrusive contrivance for Java support. In fact, this is
> already the case. Example;
> // <html>
> // <body style="width: 100vw">
> // <p>Hello World.</p>
> // </body>
> // <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> // </html>
> String html = "<html>\n" +
> " <body style=\"width: 100vw\">\n" +
> " <p>Hello World.</p>\n" +
> " </body>\n" +
> " <script>console.log(\"\\nloaded\")</script>\n" +
> "</html>\n";
> The primary reason we are having the string literal discussion is that the
> existing form has a few issues;
> • The existing form is difficult to maintain without support from IDEs and is
> prone to error. The introduction and subsequent editing of foreign code
> requires additional delimiters, newlines, concatenations and escape sequences
> (DNCE).
> • More to the point, the existing form is difficult to read. The additional DNCE
> obscure the underlying content of the string.
> Our aim is to come up with a DNCE lexicon that improves foreign code literal
> readability and maintainability without leaving developers in a confused state;
> with emphasis on reducing the E (escape sequences.)
> 50% solution
> ============
> Where we keep running into trouble is that a choice for one part of the lexicon
> spreads into the the other parts. That is, use of certain characters in the
> delimiter affect which characters require escaping and which characters can be
> used for escaping.
> So, let's pick off the lexicon easy bits first. Newlines, concatenations and
> in-between delimiters can be implicit if we just allow strings to span multiple
> lines (see Rust.)
> String html = "<html>
> <body style=\"width: 100vw\">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log(\"\\nloaded\")</script>
> </html>";
> That's not so bad. If we did nothing else, we still would be better off than we
> were before.
> 75% solution, almost
> ====================
> What problems are left?
> • The foreign delimiters (quotes) have to be escaped.
> • The foreign escape sequences also have to be escaped.
> • And to a lesser degree, it's difficult to locate the closing delimiter.
> Fortunately, we don't have many choices for dealing with escapes;
> • Backslash is Java's escape character.
> • Either escaping is on or is off (raw), so we need a way to flag a string as
> being escaped. We could have an option to turn escaping on/off within a string,
> but it has been hard to come up with examples where this might be required.
> • Even with escaping off, we still might have to escape delimiters. Repeated
> backslashes (or repeated delimiters) is the typical out.
> How about trying \ as the flag for escapes off;
> String html = \"<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>";
> That doesn't work because it looks like the string ends at the first quote.
> Let's try symmetry, either \" or "\ as the closing delimiter. "\ is preferable
> because then it doesn't look like an escape sequence (see Swift.)
> String html = \"<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>"\;
> • The only new string rule added is to allow multi-line strings.
> • Adding backslash before and after the string indicates escaping off.
> But wait
> ========
> This looks like the 75% solution;
> • Builds on our cred with existing strings.
> • Escape processing is orthogonal to multi-line.
> • Delimiter can easily be understood to mean “string with escapes."
> But wait. "\nloaded" looks like it contains the end delimiter. Rats!!! Captain
> we need more sequences.
> And, this is the crux of all the debate around strings. Fixed delimiters imply a
> requirement for escape sequences, otherwise there is content you cannot express
> as a string.
> The inverse of this implication is that if you have escape sequences you don't
> need flexible delimiters. This can be reinterpreted as you only need flexible
> delimiters if you want to always avoid escape sequences.
> Wasn't avoiding escape sequences the goal?
> All this brings us to the central choice we have to make before we get into the
> rest of the meal. Do we go with fixed delimiter(s), structured delimiters or
> nonce delimiters.
> Fixed delimiter
> ===============
> If we go with a fixed delimiter then we limit the content that can be expressed
> without escape sequences. This is not totally left field. There are floating
> point values we can not express in Java and types we can express but not
> denote, such as anonymous class types, intersection types or capture types.
> Everything is a degree of tradeoff. And, those tradeoffs are okay as long as we
> are explicit about it.
> We could get closer to the 85% mark if we had a way to have " in our content
> without escaping. Let's introduce a secondary delimiter, """.
> String html = """<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\\nloaded")</script>
> </html>""";
> The introduction of """ would allow " with the only restriction that we can not
> use """ in the content without escaping. We could say that """ also means
> escaping off, but then we would have no way to escape """ (\"""). Keeping
> escaping as an orthogonal issue allows the best of both worlds.
> String html = \"""<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>"""\;
> Once you take away conflicts with the delimiter, most strings do not require
> escaping.
> Also at this point we should note that other combinations of quotes ('''. ```,
> "'") don't bring anything new to the table; Tomato/Tomato, Potato/Potato.
> Summary: All strings can be expressed with fixed plus escaping, but can not
> express strings containing the fixed delimiter (""") with escaping off.
> Jumping ahead: I think that stating that traditional " strings must be
> single-line will be a popular restriction, even if it not needed. Then they
> will think of """ as meaning multi-line.
> Structured delimiter
> ====================
> A structured delimiter contains a repeating pattern that can be expanded to suit
> a scenario. We attempted to introduce this notion with the original backtick
> proposal, but that proposal was withdrawn because a) didn't want to burn the
> backtick, b) developers weren't comfortable with infinitely repeating
> delimiters, and c) non-expressible anomalies such as content with leading or
> trailing backticks.
> Using " instead of backtick addresses a).
> String html = """"""<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>"""""";
> For b) is there a limit where developers would be comfortable? That is, what
> about a range of fixed delimiters; ", """, """", """"", """""". This is
> slightly different than fixed delimiters in that it increases the combinations
> of content containing delimiters. Example, """"" could allow ", """, """", ...,
> Nx" for N != 5.
> Structured delimiters also differ from fixed delimiters in the fact that there
> is pressure to have escaping off when N >= 3. You can always fall back to a
> single ".
> Summary: Can express all strings with and without escaping. If the delimiter
> length is limited the there there is still a (smaller) set of strings that can
> not be expressed.
> Nonce delimiter
> ===============
> A nonce or custom delimiter allows developers to include a unique character
> sequence in the delimiter. This provides a flexible delimiter without fear of
> going too far. There is also the advantage/distraction of providing commentary.
> String html = \HTML"<html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>"HTML\;
> Summary: Can express all strings with and without escaping, but nonce can affect
> readability.
> Multi-line formatting
> =====================
> I left this out of the main discussion, but I think we can all agree that
> formatting rules should separate the delimiters from the content. Other details
> can be refined after choice of delimiter(s).
> String html = \"""
> <html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>
> """\;
> String html = """"""
> <html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>
> """""";
> String html = \HTML"
> <html>
> <body style="width: 100vw">
> <p>Hello World.</p>
> </body>
> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
> </html>
> "HTML/;
> Entrees and desserts
> ====================
> If we make good choices now (stay away from the oysters) we can still move on to
> other courses later.
> For instance; if we got up from the table with the ", """, \", \""" set of
> delimiters, we could still introduce structured delimiters in the future;
> either with repeated \ (see Swift) or repeated ". We could also follow a
> suggestion John made to use a pseudo nonce like \5" for \\\\\" or \""""".
> Point being, we can work with a 85% solution now that we can supplement later
> when we're not so hangry.
>> On Feb 10, 2019, at 12:30 PM, James Laskey <james.laskey at> wrote:
>> I should know better than format e-mails. Many a backslash eaten. The summary
>> should be;
>>>> For instance; if we got up from the table with the ", """, \", \""" set of
>>>> delimiters, we could still introduce structured delimiters in the future;
>>>> either with repeated \ (see Swift) or repeated ". We could also follow a
>>>> suggestion John made to use a pseudo nonce like \5" for \\\\\" or \""""".
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 10, 2019, at 11:43 AM, Jim Laskey <james.laskey at> wrote:
>>>> Focus
>>>> Instead of ordering everything on the menu and immobilizing ourselves with
>>>> excessive gluttony, let’s focus our attention on the appetizer. If we plan
>>>> correctly, we'll have room for entrees and desserts later.
>>>> The appetizer here is simplifying the injection of "foreign" language code into
>>>> Java source. Think tapas. We may well be sated by the time we’re done.
>>>> Goal
>>>> Repurposing the Java String as a "foreign" code literal seems to be the most
>>>> natural and least intrusive contrivance for Java support. In fact, this is
>>>> already the case. Example;
>>>> // <html>
>>>> // <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> // <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> // </body>
>>>> // <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> // </html>
>>>> String html = "<html>\n" +
>>>> " <body style=\"width: 100vw\">\n" +
>>>> " <p>Hello World.</p>\n" +
>>>> " </body>\n" +
>>>> " <script>console.log(\"\\nloaded\")</script>\n" +
>>>> "</html>\n";
>>>> The primary reason we are having the string literal discussion is that the
>>>> existing form has a few issues;
>>>> • The existing form is difficult to maintain without support from IDEs and is
>>>> prone to error. The introduction and subsequent editing of foreign code
>>>> requires additional delimiters, newlines, concatenations and escape sequences
>>>> (DNCE).
>>>> • More to the point, the existing form is difficult to read. The additional DNCE
>>>> obscure the underlying content of the string.
>>>> Our aim is to come up with a DNCE lexicon that improves foreign code literal
>>>> readability and maintainability without leaving developers in a confused state;
>>>> with emphasis on reducing the E (escape sequences.)
>>>> 50% solution
>>>> Where we keep running into trouble is that a choice for one part of the lexicon
>>>> spreads into the the other parts. That is, use of certain characters in the
>>>> delimiter affect which characters require escaping and which characters can be
>>>> used for escaping.
>>>> So, let's pick off the lexicon easy bits first. Newlines, concatenations and
>>>> in-between delimiters can be implicit if we just allow strings to span multiple
>>>> lines (see Rust.)
>>>> String html = "<html>
>>>> <body style=\"width: 100vw\">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log(\"\\nloaded\")</script>
>>>> </html>";
>>>> That's not so bad. If we did nothing else, we still would be better off than we
>>>> were before.
>>>> 75% solution, almost
>>>> What problems are left?
>>>> • The foreign delimiters (quotes) have to be escaped.
>>>> • The foreign escape sequences also have to be escaped.
>>>> • And to a lesser degree, it's difficult to locate the closing delimiter.
>>>> Fortunately, we don't have many choices for dealing with escapes;
>>>> • Backslash is Java's escape character.
>>>> • Either escaping is on or is off (raw), so we need a way to flag a string as
>>>> being escaped. We could have an option to turn escaping on/off within a string,
>>>> but it has been hard to come up with examples where this might be required.
>>>> • Even with escaping off, we still might have to escape delimiters. Repeated
>>>> backslashes (or repeated delimiters) is the typical out.
>>>> How about trying as the flag for escapes off;
>>>> String html = \"<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>";
>>>> That doesn't work because it looks like the string ends at the first quote.
>>>> Let's try symmetry, either " or " as the closing delimiter. " is preferable
>>>> because then it doesn't look like an escape sequence (see Swift.)
>>>> String html = \"<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>"\;
>>>> • The only new string rule added is to allow multi-line strings.
>>>> • Adding backslash before and after the string indicates escaping off.
>>>> But wait
>>>> This looks like the 75% solution;
>>>> • Builds on our cred with existing strings.
>>>> • Escape processing is orthogonal to multi-line.
>>>> • Delimiter can easily be understood to mean “string with escapes."
>>>> But wait. "" looks like it contains the end delimiter. Rats!!! Captain we need
>>>> more sequences.
>>>> And, this is the crux of all the debate around strings. Fixed delimiters imply a
>>>> requirement for escape sequences, otherwise there is content you cannot express
>>>> as a string.
>>>> The inverse of this implication is that if you have escape sequences you don't
>>>> need flexible delimiters. This can be reinterpreted as you only need flexible
>>>> delimiters if you want to always avoid escape sequences.
>>>> Wasn't avoiding escape sequences the goal?
>>>> All this brings us to the central choice we have to make before we get into the
>>>> rest of the meal. Do we go with fixed delimiter(s), structured delimiters or
>>>> nonce delimiters.
>>>> Fixed delimiter
>>>> If we go with a fixed delimiter then we limit the content that can be expressed
>>>> without escape sequences. This is not totally left field. There are floating
>>>> point values we can not express in Java and types we can express but not
>>>> denote, such as anonymous class types, intersection types or capture types.
>>>> Everything is a degree of tradeoff. And, those tradeoffs are okay as long as we
>>>> are explicit about it.
>>>> We could get closer to the 85% mark if we had a way to have " in our content
>>>> without escaping. Let's introduce a secondary delimiter, """.
>>>> String html = """<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>""";
>>>> The introduction of """ would allow " with the only restriction that we can not
>>>> use """ in the content without escaping. We could say that """ also means
>>>> escaping off, but then we would have no way to escape """ (\"""). Keeping
>>>> escaping as an orthogonal issue allows the best of both worlds.
>>>> String html = \"""<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>"""\;
>>>> Once you take away conflicts with the delimiter, most strings do not require
>>>> escaping.
>>>> Also at this point we should note that other combinations of quotes ('''. ```,
>>>> "'") don't bring anything new to the table; Tomato/Tomato, Potato/Potato.
>>>> Summary: All strings can be expressed with fixed plus escaping, but can not
>>>> express strings containing the fixed delimiter (""") with escaping off.
>>>> Jumping ahead: I think that stating that traditional " strings must be
>>>> single-line will be a popular restriction, even if it not needed. Then they
>>>> will think of """ as meaning multi-line.
>>>> Structured delimiter
>>>> A structured delimiter contains a repeating pattern that can be expanded to suit
>>>> a scenario. We attempted to introduce this notion with the original backtick
>>>> proposal, but that proposal was withdrawn because a) didn't want to burn the
>>>> backtick, b) developers weren't comfortable with infinitely repeating
>>>> delimiters, and c) non-expressible anomalies such as content with leading or
>>>> trailing backticks.
>>>> Using " instead of backtick addresses a).
>>>> String html = """"""<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>"""""";
>>>> For b) is there a limit where developers would be comfortable? That is, what
>>>> about a range of fixed delimiters; ", """, """", """"", """""". This is
>>>> slightly different than fixed delimiters in that it increases the combinations
>>>> of content containing delimiters. Example, """"" could allow ", """, """", ...,
>>>> Nx" for N != 5.
>>>> Structured delimiters also differ from fixed delimiters in the fact that there
>>>> is pressure to have escaping off when N >= 3. You can always fall back to a
>>>> single ".
>>>> Summary: Can express all strings with and without escaping. If the delimiter
>>>> length is limited the there there is still a (smaller) set of strings that can
>>>> not be expressed.
>>>> Nonce delimiter
>>>> A nonce or custom delimiter allows developers to include a unique character
>>>> sequence in the delimiter. This provides a flexible delimiter without fear of
>>>> going too far. There is also the advantage/distraction of providing commentary.
>>>> String html = \HTML"<html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>"HTML\;
>>>> Summary: Can express all strings with and without escaping, but nonce can affect
>>>> readability.
>>>> Multi-line formatting
>>>> I left this out of the main discussion, but I think we can all agree that
>>>> formatting rules should separate the delimiters from the content. Other details
>>>> can be refined after choice of delimiter(s).
>>>> String html = \"""
>>>> <html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>
>>>> """\;
>>>> String html = """"""
>>>> <html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>
>>>> """""";
>>>> String html = \HTML"
>>>> <html>
>>>> <body style="width: 100vw">
>>>> <p>Hello World.</p>
>>>> </body>
>>>> <script>console.log("\nloaded")</script>
>>>> </html>
>>>> "HTML/;
>>>> Entrees and desserts
>>>> If we make good choices now (stay away from the oysters) we can still move on to
>>>> other courses later.
>>>> For instance; if we got up from the table with the ", """, ", """ set of
>>>> delimiters, we could still introduce structured delimiters in the future;
>>>> either with repeated (see Swift) or repeated ". We could also follow a
>>>> suggestion John made to use a pseudo nonce like " for \\" or """"".
>>>> Point being, we can work with a 85% solution now that we can supplement later
>>>> when we're not so hangry.
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