We need more keywords, captain!
Guy Steele
guy.steele at oracle.com
Tue Jan 8 17:23:36 UTC 2019
Actually, even better than `break-with` would be `break-return`. It’s clearly a kind of `break`, and also clearly a kind of `return`.
I think maybe this application alone has won me over to the idea of hyphenated keywords.
(Then again, for this specific application we don’t even need the hyphen; we could just write `break return v;`.)
> On Jan 8, 2019, at 12:35 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
> When discussing this today at our compiler meeting, we realized a few more places where the lack of keywords produce distortions we don't even notice. In expression switch, we settled on `break value` as the way to provide a value for a switch expression when the shorthand (`case L -> e`) doesn't suffice, but this was painful for everyone. It's painful for users because there's now work required to disambiguate whether `break foo` is a labeled break or a value break; it was even more painful to specify, because a new form of abrupt completion had to be threaded through the spec.
> Being able to call this something like `break-with v` (or some other derived keyword) would have made this all a lot simpler. (BTW, we can still do this, since expression-switch is still in preview.)
> Moral of the story: even just a few minutes of brainstorming led us to several applications of this approach that we hadn't seen a few days ago.
> On 1/8/2019 10:22 AM, Brian Goetz wrote:
>> This document proposes a possible move that will buy us some breathing room in the perpetual problem where the keyword-management tail wags the programming-model dog.
>> ## We need more keywords, captain!
>> Java has a fixed set of _keywords_ (JLS 3.9) which are not allowed to
>> be used as identifiers. This set has remained quite stable over the
>> years (for good reason), with the exceptions of `assert` added in 1.4,
>> `enum` added in 5, and `_` added in 9. In addition, there are also
>> several _reserved identifiers_ (`true`, `false`, and `null`) which
>> behave almost like keywords.
>> Over time, as the language evolves, language designers face a
>> challenge; the set of keywords imagined in version 1.0 are rarely
>> suitable for expressing all the things we might ever want our language
>> to express. We have several tools at our disposal for addressing this
>> problem:
>> - Eminent domain. Take words that were previously identifiers, and
>> turn them into keywords, as we did with `assert` in 1.4.
>> - Recycle. Repurpose an existing keyword for something that it was
>> never really meant for (such as using `default` for annotation
>> values or default methods).
>> - Do without. Find a way to pick a syntax that doesn't require a
>> new keyword, such as using `@interface` for annotations instead of
>> `annotation` -- or don't do the feature at all.
>> - Smoke and mirrors. Create the illusion of context-dependent
>> keywords through various linguistic heroics (restricted keywords,
>> reserved type names.)
>> In any given situation, all of these options are on the table -- but
>> most of the time, none of these options are very good. The lack of
>> reasonable options for extending the syntax of the language threatens
>> to become a significant impediment to language evolution.
>> #### Why not "just" make new keywords?
>> While it may be legal for us to declare `i` to be a keyword in a
>> future version of Java, this would likely break every program in the
>> world, since `i` is used so commonly as an identifier. (When the
>> `assert` keyword was added in 1.4, it broke every testing framework.)
>> The cost of remediating the effect of such incompatible changes varies
>> as well; invalidating a name choice for a local variable has a local
>> fix, but invalidating the name of a public type or an interface
>> method might well be fatal.
>> Additionally, the keywords we're likely to want to reclaim are often
>> those that are popular as identifiers (e.g., `value`, `var`,
>> `method`), making such fatal collisions more likely. In some cases,
>> if the keyword candidate in question is sufficiently rarely used as an
>> identifier, we might still opt to take that source-compatibility hit
>> -- but names that are less likely to collide (e.g.,
>> `usually_but_not_always_final`) are likely not the ones we want in our
>> language. Realistically, this is unlikely to be a well we can go to
>> very often, and the bar must be very high.
>> #### Why not "just" live with the keywords we have?
>> Reusing keywords in multiple contexts has ample precedent in
>> programming languages, including Java. (For example, we (ab)use `final`
>> for "not mutable", "not overridable", and "not extensible".)
>> Sometimes, using an existing keyword in a new context is natural and
>> sensible, but usually it's not our first choice. Over time, as the
>> range of demands we place on our keyword set expands, this may well
>> descend into the ridiculous; no one wants to use `null final` as a way
>> of negating finality. (While one might think such things are too
>> ridiculous to consider, note that we received serious-seeming
>> suggestions during JEP 325 to use `new switch` to describe a switch
>> with different semantics. Presumably to be followed by `new new
>> switch` in ten years.)
>> Of course, one way to live without making new keywords is to stop
>> evolving the language entirely. While there are some who think this
>> is a fine idea, doing so because of the lack of available tokens would
>> be a silly reason. We are convinced that Java has a long life ahead of
>> it, and developers are excited about new features that enable to them
>> to write more expressive and reliable code.
>> #### Why not "just" make contextual keywords?
>> At first glance, contextual keywords (and their friends, such as
>> reserved type identifiers) may appear to be a magic wand; they let us
>> create the illusion of adding new keywords without breaking existing
>> programs. But the positive track record of contextual keywords hides
>> a great deal of complexity and distortion.
>> Each grammar position is its own story; contextual keywords that might
>> be used as modifiers (e.g., `readonly`) have different ambiguity
>> considerations than those that might be use in code (e.g., a `matches`
>> expression). The process of selecting a contextual keyword is not a
>> simple matter of adding it to the grammar; each one requires an
>> analysis of potential current and future interactions. Similarly,
>> each token we try to repurpose may have its own special
>> considerations; for example, we could justify the use of `var` as a
>> reserved type name because because the naming conventions are so
>> broadly adhered to. Finally, the use of contextual keywords in
>> certain syntactic positions can create additional considerations for
>> extending the syntax later.
>> Contextual keywords create complexity for specifications, compilers,
>> and IDEs. With one or two special cases, we can often deal well
>> enough, but if special cases were to become more pervasive, this would
>> likely result in more significant maintenance costs or bug tail. While
>> it is easy to dismiss this as “not my problem”, in reality, this is
>> everybody’s problem. IDEs often have to guess whether a use of a
>> contextual keyword is a keyword or identifier, and it may not have
>> enough information to make a good guess until it’s seen more input.
>> This results in worse user highlighting, auto-completion, and
>> refactoring abilities — or worse. These problems quickly become
>> everyone's problems.
>> So, while contextual keywords are one of the tools in our toolbox,
>> they should also be used sparingly.
>> #### Why is this a problem?
>> Aside from the obvious consequences of these problems (clunky syntax,
>> complexity, bugs), there is a more insidious hidden cost --
>> distortion. The accidental details of keyword management pose a
>> constant risk of distortion in language design.
>> One could consider the choice to use `@interface` instead of
>> `annotation` for annotations to be a distortion; having a descriptive
>> name rather than a funky combination of punctuation and keyword would
>> surely have made it easier for people to become familiar with
>> annotations.
>> In another example, the set of modifiers (`public`, `private`,
>> `static`, `final`, etc) is not complete; there is no way to say “not
>> final” or “not static”. This, in turn, means that we cannot create
>> features where variables or classes are `final` by default, or members
>> are `static` by default, because there’s no way to denote the desire
>> to opt out of it. While there may be reasons to justify a locally
>> suboptimal default anyway (such as global consistency), we want to
>> make these choices deliberately, not have them made for us by the
>> accidental details of keyword management. Choosing to leave out a
>> feature for reasons of simplicity is fine; leaving it out because we
>> don't have a way to denote the obvious semantics is not.
>> It may not be obvious from the outside, but this is a constant problem
>> in evolving the language, and an ongoing tax that we all pay, directly
>> or indirectly.
>> ## We need a new source of keyword candidates
>> Every time we confront this problem, the overwhelming tendency is to
>> punt and pick one of the bad options, because the problem only comes
>> along every once in a while. But, with the features in the pipeline, I
>> expect it will continue to come along with some frequency, and I’d
>> rather get ahead of it. Given that all of these current options are
>> problematic, and there is not even a least-problematic move that
>> applies across all situations, my inclination is to try to expand the
>> set of lexical forms that can be used as keywords.
>> As a not-serious example, take the convention that we’ve used for
>> experimental features, where we prefix provisional keywords in
>> prototypes with two underscores, as we did with `__ByValue` in the
>> Valhalla prototype. (We commonly do this in feature proposals and
>> prototypes, mostly to signify “this keyword is a placeholder for a
>> syntax decision to be made later”, but also because it permits a
>> simple implementation that is unlikely to collide with existing code.)
>> We could, for example, carve out the space of identifiers that begin
>> with underscore as being reserved for keywords. Of course, this isn’t
>> so pretty, and it also means we'd have a mix of underscore and
>> non-underscore keywords, so it’s not a serious suggestion, as much as
>> an example of the sort of move we are looking for.
>> But I do have a serious suggestion: allow _hyphenated_ keywords where
>> one or more of the terms are already keywords or reserved identifiers.
>> Unlike restricted keywords, this creates much less trouble for
>> parsing, as (for example) `non-null` cannot be confused for a
>> subtraction expression, and the lexer can always tell with fixed
>> lookahead whether `a-b` is three tokens or one. This gives us a lot
>> more room for creating new, less-conflicting keywords. And these new
>> keywords are likely to be good names, too, as many of the missing
>> concepts we want to add describe their relationship to existing
>> language constructs -- such as `non-null`.
>> Here’s some examples where this approach might yield credible
>> candidates. (Note: none of these are being proposed here; this is
>> merely an illustrative list of examples of how this mechanism could
>> form keywords that might, in some particular possible future, be
>> useful and better than the alternatives we have now.)
>> - `non-null`
>> - `non-final`
>> - `package-private` (the default accessibility for class members, currently not denotable)
>> - `public-read` (publicly readable, privately writable)
>> - `null-checked`
>> - `type-static` (a concept needed in Valhalla, which is static relative to a particular specialization of a class, rather than the class itself)
>> - `default-value`
>> - `eventually-final` (what the `@Stable` annotation currently suggests)
>> - `semi-final` (an alternative to `sealed`)
>> - `exhaustive-switch` (opting into exhaustiveness checking for statement
>> switches)
>> - `enum-class`, `annotation-class`, `record-class` (we might have chosen these
>> as an alternative to `enum` and `@interface`, had we had the option)
>> - `this-class` (to describe the class literal for the current class)
>> - `this-return` (a common request is a way to mark a setter or builder method
>> as returning its receiver)
>> (Again, the point is not to debate the merits of any of these specific
>> examples; the point is merely to illustrate what we might be able to do
>> with such a mechanism.)
>> Having this as an option doesn't mean we can't also use the other
>> approaches when they are suitable; it just means we have more, and
>> likely less fraught, options with which to make better decisions.
>> There are likely to be other lexical schemes by which new keywords can
>> be created without impinging on existing code; this one seems credible
>> and reasonably parsable by both machines and humans.
>> #### "But that's ugly"
>> Invariably, some percentage of readers will have an immediate and
>> visceral reaction to this idea. Let's stipulate for the record that
>> some people will find this ugly. (At least, at first. Many such
>> reactions are possibly-transient (see what I did there?) responses
>> to unfamiliarity.)
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