Hyphenated keywords and switch expressions
Tagir Valeev
amaembo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 02:40:28 UTC 2019
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 3:09 AM Alex Buckley <alex.buckley at oracle.com> wrote:
> That's an odd assumption, because SwitchLabeledRule appears in the
> SwitchBlock of a SwitchExpression, and we obviously intend any kind of
> expression to be allowed after the -> in a switch expression. That is,
> in a switch expression, what comes after the -> is not just an
> expression statement (x=y, ++x, --x, x++, x--, x.m(), new X()) but any
> expression (including this, X.class, x.f, x[i], x::m). Only in a switch
> statement do we restrict the kind of expression allowed after the -> but
> that's a semantic rule (14.11.2), not syntactic, in order to share the
> grammar between switch expressions and switch statements.
My bad, I should have been more explicit here. We are IDE, so dealing with
incomplete/erroneous code is our first priority. In our grammar an
expression statement
is any expression plus semicolon. This allows to build well-formed AST
from something
like "a+b()%c;". Of course, error highlighter marks this as invalid
code when visits such
node, but other features work nicely. E.g. you can introduce variable
here, inline b() call
or have a division-by-zero warning if c happens to be always zero at this point.
Also this was expanded to enhanced switches nicely: for switch statement
SwitchLabeledExpression we just reuse the same error highlighting code as for
expression statements, because semantic rule is the same. The only
ugliness is switch
expression inside SwitchLabeledExpression which I mentioned in the
first message.
With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.
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