Records and annotations
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Thu Jun 6 20:48:33 UTC 2019
Recall that some time ago, we were discussing some different directions
for how to handle annotations on record components.
Approach A: Record components are a new kind of annotation target
location; if an annotation is meta-annotated with this target kind, it
can be applied to record components. Expose reflection over annotations
on record components as with other features.
Approach B: Annotations on record components are merely “pushed down” to
the corresponding JLS-mandated API elements (constructor parameters,
accessor methods, fields), according to the allowed target kinds of the
annotation (if the annotation is only valid on fields, it is only pushed
down to fields.).
Approach B+: Like B, except that we continue to reify the provenance of
the annotations, and expose them through reflection as annotations on
the record component _in addition to_ annotations on the mandated API
In an alternate universe where we had done records first, and were now
adding annotations, we’d surely pick A. However, in the current
universe, picking A would put us in an adoption bind; we have to wait
for specific annotations to acquire knowledge of the new target kinds
(through the @Target meta-annotation), and for frameworks to be aware of
annotations on record components, before we can migrate classes
dependent on those annotations/frameworks to be records. Further,
library authors suffer a familiar problem: if @Foo is meta-annotated
with a target kind of RECORD_COMPONENT, then that means it must have
been compiled against a Java 14+ JDK, which means that the resulting
classes are dependent on JDK 14+, unless they use something like MR Jars
to have two versions in one JAR. This would further impede adoption.
For guidance in our A/B choice, we can look to enums. Enum constants are
surely a first-class language element, and can be annotated, but they do
not have their own annotation target kind; instead, the compiler pushes
down the annotations onto the fields that carry the enum constants.
While this might be an uneasy dependence on the translation strategy,
in fact this translation strategy is mandated (because we want migrating
between a class with static constant fields and an enum to be a
binary-compatible migration.).
Records are in a similar boat as enums; while there is a translation
strategy going on here, the elements of it are mandated by the language
specification. So I think the trick that enums use is a reasonable one
to carry forward to records, allowing us to seriously consider B/B+.
(Strategy A also has a lot of accidental detail; class file attributes
for various kinds of options and bookkeeping to manage exactly what is
being annotated, reflection API surface, etc.).
The following type-checking strategy applies to B and B+:
- A record component may be annotated by a declaration annotation with
no target kind meta annotation, or whose target kind includes one or
- The type of a record component may be annotated by a type annotation
Strategy B then entails pushing down annotations through tree
manipulation to the right places. For PARAMETER annotations, they are
pushed down to the parameters of the implicit constructor; for FIELD
annotations, to the fields; for METHOD annotations, to the accessor.
And for type annotations, to the corresponding type use in constructor
parameters, field declarations, and accessor methods. (And if the
annotation is applicable to more than one of these, it is pushed down to
all applicable targets.)
But wait! What if the author also explicitly declares, say, the
accessor method?
record R(int a) {
int a() { return a; }
No problem, we can still push the annotation down, and there is
precedent for annotations being “inherited” in this way.
But wait! What if the author explicitly declares the same annotation,
but with conflicting values?
record R(@Foo(1) int a) {
@Foo(2) int a() { return a; }
We can still push down @Foo(1), and then look to see if @Foo is a
repeating annotation. If it is, great; if not, then a() has two @Foo
annotations, which results in a compilation error. So we always push
down, and then enforce arity rules.
By pushing annotations down in this manner, existing reflection can pick
up the annotations on the various class members with no additional work
or reflection API surface. Are we done?
We might be done, or we might want to do more (strategy B+). In B+, we
_additionally_ reify which annotations were present on the component,
and (possibly) expose additional reflection API surface to query
annotations on record components. Why would we want to do this? Well,
one reason that occurs to me is that we’ve been holding the move of
“abstract records” and records extending abstract records in our back
pocket. In this case, we might wish to copy annotations down from a
record component in a superclass to the corresponding pseudo-component
in the subclass, for example. But, I’m not particularly compelled by
this — I think the strategy we took for enums is mostly good enough. So
I’m voting for pure B.
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