Call for bikeshed -- break replacement in expression switch

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Thu May 16 20:34:03 UTC 2019

On 16/05/2019 21:04, Brian Goetz wrote:
> The notion of “reserved word” is insufficiently precise.  More 
> precisely, yield is a _reserved type identifier_, like `var`.  That 
> means that you cannot have a class called `yield`, but you can have 
> local variables, or methods, or fields, or type variables, with that 
> name.

Yep - but it's also different from 'var' in the sense that 'var' never 
had to fight with ambiguities with method names because it only applied 
to the 'type' part of a variable declaration, which is either a 
(possibly qualified) identifier (possibly followed by '<'). Parenthesis 
were never allowed where 'var' as a type was expected.

For yield Eamon is right - there's a new kind of ambiguity.

On the other hand is a trivial one to resolve, given what we're 
discussing now is something like


so, as soon as the compiler sees a "(" it will say: "ok, that's not a 
new yield statement".


> See
> for further guidance on the fine degrees of shading between keywords, 
> context-sensitive keywords, reserved identifiers, and reserved type 
> names.
>> On May 16, 2019, at 3:56 PM, Éamonn McManus <emcmanus at 
>> <mailto:emcmanus at>> wrote:
>> "yield" isn't a reserved word, is it? Doesn't that mean that
>> `yield(5);` is ambiguous?
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