Yield as contextual keyword (was: Call for bikeshed -- break replacement in expression switch)

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Fri May 17 17:35:02 UTC 2019

Thanks for providing a clear view of our options.

I vote for B.
I will add that obviously there is no switchy block that contains an unqualified yield in the actual code so the compiler should emit an error instead of a warning if there is an unqualified yield in the scope of the switchy block.


On May 17, 2019 4:57:28 PM UTC, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
>As was pointed out in Keyword Management for the Java Language
><https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/8223002>), contextual keywords are a
>compromise, and their compromises vary by lexical position.  Let’s take
>a more organized look at the costs and options for doing `yield` as a
>contextual keyword.  
>But, before we do, let’s put this in context (heh): methods called
>yield() are rare (there’s only one in the JDK), and blocks on the RHS
>of an arrow-switch are rare, so we’re talking about the interaction of
>two corner cases.  
>Let’s take the following example.  
>class C {
>  /* 1 */  void yield(int x) { }
>  void m(int y) {
>      /* 2 */  yield (1);
>      /* 3 */  yield 1;
>      int z = switch (y) {
>          case 0 -> {
>              /* 4 */  yield (1);
>          }
>          case 1 -> {
>              /* 5 */  yield 1;
>          }
>          default -> 42;
>      }
>  }
>First, requirements: 
>For usage (1), this has to be a valid method declaration.  
>For usage (2), this has to be a method invocation.  
>For usage (3), this has to be some sort of compilation error.  
>For usage (4), there is some discussion to be had.
>For usage (5), this has to be a yield statement.
>(1) is not problematic, as the yield-statement production is not in
>play at all when parsing method declarations.  
>(3) is not problematic, as there is no ambiguity between
>method-invocation and yield-statement, and yield-statement is not
>allowed here.  (Even if the operand were an identifier, not a numeric
>literal, it would not be ambiguous with a local variable declaration,
>because `yield` will not be permitted as a type identifier.). 
>(5) is not problematic, as there is no ambiguity between method
>invocation and yield-statement.
>Let’s talk about (2) and (4).  
>Let’s assume the parser production only allows yield statement inside
>of a block on the RHS of an arrow-switch (and maybe some other contexts
>in the future, but not all blocks).  Let’s call these “switchy blocks”
>for clarity.  That means that (2) is similarly unambiguous to (3), and
>will be parsed as a method invocation.  So this is really all about
>In this option, we disallow yield statements whose argument is a
>parenthesized expression, instead parsing them as method invocations. 
>Most such invocations will fail as there is unlikely to be a yield()
>method in scope.  
>From a parser perspective, this is straightforward enough; we need an
>alternate Expression production which omits “parenthesized expression.”
>From a user perspective, I think this is likely to be a sharp edge, as
>I would expect it to be more common to want to use a parenthesized
>operand than there will be a yield method in scope.
>From a parser perspective, this is similarly straightforward: inside a
>switchy block, give the rule `yield <expr>` a higher priority than
>method invocation.  The compiler can warn on this ambiguity, if we
>From a user perspective, users wanting to invoke yield() methods inside
>switchy blocks will need to qualify the receiver (Foo.yield(),
>this.yield(), etc). 
>The cost is that a statement “yield (e)” parses to different things in
>different contexts; in a switchy block, it is a yield statement, the
>rest of the time, it is a method invocation.  
>I think this is much less likely to cause user distress than Option A,
>because it is rare that there is an unqualified yield(x) method in
>scope.  (And, given every yield() method I can think of, you’d likely
>never call one from a switchy block anyway, as they are side-effectful
>and blocking.). And in the case of collision, there is a clear
>workaround if the user really wanted a method invocation, and the
>compiler can deliver a warning when there is actual ambiguity.  
>In this option, the context-sensitivity of parsing includes a check for
>whether a `yield()` method is in scope.  I think we can rule this out
>as overly heroic; constraining parsing to be aware of the symbol table
>is asking a lot of compilers.  
>In this option, we proceed as with Option A, but when we get to symbol
>analysis, if we are in a switchy block and there is no yield() method
>in scope, we rewrite the tree to be a yield statement instead.  
>The pain above is an artifact of choosing a contextual keyword; on the
>scale of contextual pain, this rates a “mild”, largely because true
>collisions are likely to be quite rare, and there is no backward
>compatibility concern.  So while choosing a real keyword (break-with)
>would be cleaner, I don’t think the users will like it as much.  
>My opinions: I think C is pretty much a non-starter, and IMO B is
>measurably more attractive than A.  Option D is not as terrible as C
>but seems overly heroic, as we try to avoid tree-rewriting in
>attribution.  I don’t think the pain of either A or B merits grabbing
>for E.  

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