Trailing white-space in text blocks
Tagir Valeev
amaembo at
Tue May 21 03:36:08 UTC 2019
JEP 355 [1] says the following:
> Remove all trailing white space from all lines in the modified list of individual lines from step 5. (Hidden white space at the end of lines is unintentional, so it is overwhelmingly likely that the developer does notwant it in the string.) Note that this step collapses wholly-whitespace lines in the modified list so that they are empty, but does not discard them.
I'm not sure this is a good idea. Consider the following quite
possible user story:
Suppose I wrote a method like this (just to illustrate the problem,
exact method details don't matter):
public static String formatList(List<String> list, int maxWidth) {
var result = new StringBuilder();
int currentCount = 0;
for (String s : list) {
if (currentCount > 0 && currentCount + s.length() + 1 > maxWidth) {
currentCount = 0;
result.append(s).append(" ");
currentCount += s.length() + 1;
return result.toString();
The method joins list of strings wrapping the result if it exceeds the
supplied maxWidth. Note that it adds a whitespace before the
linebreak. Probably it's accidental and could be removed, but it's
also possible that the method exists for a long time and somebody
already relies on these trailing whitespaces, so probably I'm not in
the position to modify the method.
Ok, we have a method, time to unit-test it. I lazily write:
public void testFormatList() {
String actual = StringUtil.formatList(List.of("One", "Two", "Three",
"Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"), 10);
assertEquals("", actual);
Run the unit-test, it predictably fails and shows the difference
between expected and actual. Using IDE diff view I examine the actual
text, it looks like this:
One Two
Four Five
Six Seven
I confirm that I like it, so I paste it to the expected parameter into
my unit-test changing the assertion to
One Two
Four Five
Six Seven
""", actual);
It doesn't matter whether we add indent on the left or not. Looks
pretty, but the test still fails. Closer examination of the output
shows that expected code doesn't contain the trailing white-space
while the actual output contains. Usually people are not very
attentive to small details. Assume that I've missed the part about
trailing whitespace stripping (or I learned this feature from online
tutorial where this detail wasn't mentioned). Now I'm in complete
confusion. I just copied the actual to the expected, but lost my
whitespaces. What happened?
- Probably my diff viewer was too smart at the copy action and
stripped the whitespaces?
- Probably my editor was too smart at the paste action and stripped
the whitespaces?
- Probably my editor was too smart during the file save operation and
did additional cleanup which resulted in whitespace stripping? IDEA
can actually do this, and it's a question whether this will affect
multiline literals as well.
- Probably compiler somehow stripped it (that's actually the case)
- Probably I don't know something about assertEquals method? Probably
it's buggy and strips whitespaces in one case but keeps them in
another? I saw similar problem before with some custom assertion
- Probably I misinterpreted the output of test failure and problem is
not in whitespaces? The diff viewer of my IDE just highlights the
single whitespace at the end of the every line, but I'm not sure,
probably this highlighting means that something wrong with line
Things could be much worse if I was too lazy to rerun the test locally
(what for? I just copied actual to expected! What could go wrong? Come
on, just commit this and move to the next task). Then CI build fails
and I have more possiblities:
- Probably Git commit does something special with trailing whitespaces
(e.g. we have pre-commit hook)
- Probably CI pulls changes in some special way
- Probably CI has different environment (JVM version, OS, filesystem)
and this causes failure? Also CI output could be not very clear when
the difference is in whitespaces only, and again I'm not sure what's
going on.
So I have many things to check. If I'm experienced, I would probably
open the .java file in hex viewer and check the actual bytes to ensure
that the whitespaces are there, thus first three cases are ruled out,
then probably read the spec. Less experienced developer would be
completely lost.
Nevertheless after a hour or two, probably asking a colleague to help
I will find the cause: the problem is really caused by the compiler.
So I will spend another hour to find how to work-around it. I will see
that escapes are handled after whitespace removal, thus will try to
replace trailing spaces with \u0020 (very few developers are aware
that it's not an actual string literal escape sequence). I will
probably consult StackOverflow and find nothing. At the end I will
give up and return to good old plain string literal. Not very
productive day.
I'm not sure how to avoid such scenario if trailing whitespaces are
actually stripped. I can think up some solutions how IDE could help
pointing at the actual problem cause, but not every IDE could be smart
enough to help user in such scenario.
I think that trailing whitespace stripping should be reconsidered.
With best regards,
Tagir Valeev
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