JLS question regarding Text Blocks

Jim Laskey james.laskey at oracle.com
Mon Apr 6 18:43:30 UTC 2020

In section 3.10.6 Text Blocks of the updated spec;

"The opening delimiter is a sequence that starts with three double quote characters ("""), continues with zero or more space, tab, and form feed characters, and concludes with a line terminator."

However, the JEP 378 description reads "The opening delimiter is a sequence of three double quote characters (""") followed by zero or more white spaces followed by a line terminator.

javac uses the Character.isWhitespace test for characters following the opening three double quote characters.

Shouldn't the spec read as;

"The opening delimiter is a sequence that starts with three double quote characters ("""), continues with zero or more white space characters (Ex. space, tab, and form feed), and concludes with a line terminator."?


-- Jim

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