Deconstruction but no destructuring when declaring local variables

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Tue Apr 7 18:29:52 UTC 2020

I'd like to take this up later, but let me read into the record a few 
points we've already discussed on this matter:

  - Yes, it is very tempting to like this syntax because in the 
degenerate case, where `Foo f` is a type pattern, it looks just like a 
declaration with an initializer, so much so that we can say "aha, you 
never knew Java had patterns from day 1!".  But, ultimately this runs 
out of gas when patterns get more complicated, so be wary of being 
seduced by how natural it looks in the simplest case.

Even the middle ground:

     Point(var x, var y) = p

doesn't look much like a declaration, or worse

     Foo() = f

looks like, well, who knows.

  - This really only works when the pattern is _total_ on the target 
type, so that the pattern provably applies (modulo null.)  That can work 
for record deconstruction patterns but not always for other pattern 
types.  Alternately, we can have a statement form "bind P = target else 
{ ... }" for partial patterns, but then we lose the nice connection 
noted above with declarations.

On 4/7/2020 2:20 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
> There was discussions about the danger of only providing instanceof + the deconstruction pattern and not a way to have the same kind of destructuring when declaring local variables
> By example, instead of
>    Point p = ...
>    int x = p.x();
>    int y = p.y();
> one can write
>    Point p = ...
>    if (!(p instanceof Point(int x, int y)));
> I think we should restart those discussions because variables declarations is like a third places where patterns can appear (instanceof and switch being the other two).
> I don't really want to propose a syntax, so the next examples will be to give an idea of the semantics
> The idea is to allow patterns on the left side of an '='.
> So
>    pattern = value;
> We already have
>    Point p2 = p;  // the type pattern
> so if we expand it with the new patterns proposed for instanceof, we get
>    Point(int x, int y) = p;   // the deconstruction pattern with explicit type
> and
>    Point(var x, var y) = p;   // the deconstruction pattern with var
> regards,
> Rémi

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