Clarifications on SoV documents

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Thu Apr 23 20:11:17 UTC 2020

Srikanth asked me to make a few clarifications on the SoV documents.  
I'll summarize them here and then later work them into the docs.

1.  Array subtyping.  Historically, array covariance worked like this:

     if T <: U, then T[] <: U[]

In Valhalla, this is refined to be:

     if T.ref <: U, then T[] <: U[]

Because T.ref == T for reference types, this rule generalizes the 
previous rule.

There is no inline widening/narrowing conversion between array types; 
array types are reference types.


     V[] va = ...
     V.ref[] vb = ...
     vb = va // allowed by ordinary subtyping
     va = vb // not allowed
     va = (V[]) vb // allowed, may CCE

2.  Bounds checking.  If we have a bound:

     class Foo<T extends U> { }

then this was historically satisfied if T <: U.  In Valhalla, this is 
amended in the same way as (1):

     X is within bound `T extends U` if X.ref <: U

If `U` is an inline type, the bounds `T extends U` does not make sense, 
so is rejected.

3.  This story isn't written yet, but where we're aiming (everyone but 
Srikanth, please hold questions on "how would that work" until I write 
this up) is that inline types can be used as type parameters for erased 
generics _without_ having to say `Foo<V.ref>`.  This represents a shift 
from where we were before, where we didn't allow inlines as type arguments.

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