Next up for patterns: type patterns in switch
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at
Mon Aug 10 21:02:21 UTC 2020
Some further color on this, to characterize why all the angst over
matching Box(null) seems mostly like a collective "bleah, different is
scary" freakout...
Case 1. The Box domain rejects nulls in the ctor. Then it doesn't
matter what we do; all the schemes discussed for `Box(Object o)` will do
the same thing.
Case 2. The Box domain loves nulls! Boxes can contain nulls, and users
should always expect to find a null in a box; not doing so is using
boxes wrong.
In that case, `case Box(Object o)` should surely match `Box(null)`,
since its an unremarkable element of the Box domain. Here, though,
people get nervous: "if we bind o to null, a careless users might NPE!"
But that's likely to happen anyway -- and should.
Suppose we didn't have deconstruction patterns, and instead the user
case Box b: ...
There's no question this matches Box(null). And, the same code the
careless programmer might write with `Box(var o)`, they're going to
write almost exactly the same thing here:
case Box b:
Object boxContents = b.contents(); // returns null, no problem // Same NPE
In this case, we do the users no favors -- actually, we do anti-favors
-- by "hiding" Box(null) from the domain, on the off chance that they
will screw it up. If Box is a null-loving domain, then clients need to
write null-aware code, and hiding the nulls doesn't help.
Further, this example shows another element from our refactoring
catalog: users should be able to freely refactor:
case Foo target:
Object component = target.component();
case Foo(Object component) target: ...
without changing the semantics. But if `Foo(Object)` doesn't match
`Foo(null)`, that's yet another sharp edge.
Essentially, I think the "never match nulls" crowd just really hates
nulls and wants them to go away. But they are not going away, and we do
no one any favors by hiding our heads in the sand.
On 8/10/2020 1:57 PM, Brian Goetz wrote:
> There seems to be an awful lot of confusion about the motivation for
> the nullity proposal, so let me step back and address this from first
> principles.
> Let's factor away the null-tolerance of the constructs (switch and
> instanceof) from what patterns mean, and then we can return to how, if
> necessary, to resolve any mismatches. We'll do this by defining what
> it means for a target to match a pattern, and only then define the
> semantics of the pattern-aware constructs in terms of that.
> Let me also observe that some people, in their belief that `null` was
> a mistake, tend to have a latent hostility to null, and therefore tend
> to want new features to be at least as null-hostile as the most
> null-hostile of old features. (A good example is streams; it was
> suggested (by some of the same people) that it should be an error for
> streams to have null elements. And we considered this briefly -- and
> concluded this would have been a terrible idea! The lesson of that
> investigation was that the desire to "fix" the null mistake by
> patching individual holes is futile, and tends to lead to worse
> results. Instead, being null-agnostic was the right move for streams.)
> I think we're also being distracted by the fact that, in part because
> we've chosen `instanceof` as our syntax, we want to use `instanceof`
> as our mental model for what matching means. This is a good guiding
> principle but we must be careful of following it blindly.
> As a modeling simplification, let's assume that all patterns have
> exactly one binding variable, and the type of that binding variable is
> part of the pattern definition. We could model our match predicate
> and (conditional) binding function as:
> match :: (Pattern t) u -> Maybe t
> A pattern represents the fusion of an applicability predicate, zero or
> more conditional extractions, and a binding mechanism. For the simple
> case of a type pattern `Foo f`, the applicability predicate is "are
> you a Foo", and there are two possible interpretations -- "would
> `instanceof` say you are a `Foo`" (which means non-null), or "could
> you be assigned to a variable of type Foo" (or, equivalently, "are you
> in the value set of Foo".)
> A pattern P is _total_ on U if `match P u` returns `Some t` for every
> `u : U`. Total patterns are useful because they allow the compiler to
> reason about control flow and provide better error checking (detecting
> dead code, silly pattern matches, totality of expression switches, etc.)
> Let's go back to our trusty Box example. We can think of the `Box`
> constructor as a mapping:
> enBox :: t -> Box t
> and the Box deconstructor as
> unBox :: Box t -> t
> Now, what algebraic relationship do we want between enBox and unBox?
> The whole point is that a Box is a structure containing some
> properties, and that patterns let us destructure Boxes to recover
> those properties. enBox and unBox should form a projection-embedding
> pair, which means that enBox is allowed to be picky about what `t`
> values it accepts (think of the Rational constructor as throwing on
> denom==0), but, once boxed, we should be able to recover whatever is
> in the box. (The Box code gets to mediate access in both directions,
> but the _language_ shouldn't make guesses about what this code is
> going to do.)
> From the perspective of Box, is `null` a valid value of T? The answer
> is: "That's the Box author's business. The constructor accepts a T,
> and `null` is a valid member of T's value set. So if the imperative
> body of the constructor doesn't do anything special to reject it, then
> it's part of the domain." And if its part of the domain, then `unBox`
> should hand back what we handed to `enBox`. T in, T out.
> It has been a driving goal throughout the pattern matching exploration
> to exploit these dualities, because (among other things) this
> minimizes sharp edges and makes composition do what you expect it to.
> If I do:
> Box<T> b = new Box(t);
> and this succeeds, then our `match` function applied to `Box(T)` and
> `b` should yield what we started with -- `t`. Singling out `null` for
> special treatment here as an illegal binding result is unwarranted; it
> creates a sharp edge where you can put things into boxes but you can
> only get them out on tuesdays. The language has no business telling
> Box it can't contain nulls, or punishing null-happy boxes by making
> them harder to deconstruct. Null-hostility is for the Box author to
> choose or not. I should be able to compose construction and
> deconstruction without surprises.
> Remember, we're not yet talking about language syntax here -- we're
> talking about the semantics of matching (and what we let class authors
> model). At this level, there is simply no other reasonable set of
> semantics here -- the `Box(T)` deconstructor, when applied to a valid
> Box<T>, should be able to recover whatever was passed to the `new
> Box(T)` constructor. Nulls should be rejected by pattern matching at
> the point where they would be derferenced, not preemptively.
> There's also only one reasonable definition of the semantics of nested
> matching. If `P : Pattern t`, then the nested pattern P(Q) matches u iff
> u matches P(T alpha) && alpha matches Q
> It follows that if `Box(Object o)` is going to to be total on all
> boxes, then Object o is total on all objects.
> (There's also only one reasonable definition of the `var` pattern; it
> is type inference where we infer the type pattern for whatever type is
> the target of the match. So if `P : Pattern T`, then `P(var x)`
> infers `T x` for the nested pattern.)
> Doing anything else is an impediment to composition (and composition
> is the only tool we have, as language designers, that separate us from
> the apes.) I can compose constructors:
> Box<Flox<Pox<T>>> b = new Box(new Flox(new Pox(t)));
> and I should be able to take this apart exactly the same way:
> if (b matches Box(Flox(Pox(var t)))
> The reason `Flox(Pox p)` doesn't match null floxes is not because
> patterns shouldn't match null, but because a _deconstruction pattern_
> that takes apart a Flox is intrinsically going to look inside the Flox
> -- which means dereferencing it. But an ordinary type pattern is not
> necessarily going to.
> Looking at it from another angle, there is a natural interpretation of
> applying a total pattern as a generalization of assignment. It's not
> an accident that `T t` (or `var x`) looks both like a pattern and like
> a local variable declaration. We know that this:
> T t = e
> or
> var t = e
> is a local variable declaration with initializer, but we can also
> reasonably (and profitably) interpret it as a pattern match -- take
> the (total on T) pattern `T t`, and match `e : T` to it. And the
> compiler already knows that this is going to succeed if `e : T`. To
> gratuitously reject null here makes no sense. (Totality is important
> here; if the pattern were not total, then `t` would not be DA after
> the assignment, and therefore the declaration either has to throw a
> runtime error, or the compiler has to reject it.)
> ## Back to switch and instanceof
> The above discussion argues why there is only one reasonable null
> behavior for patterns _in the abstract_. But, I hear you cry, the
> semantics for switch and instanceof today are entirely reasonable and
> intuitive, so how could they be so wrong?
> And the answer is: we have only been able to use `switch` and
> `instanceof` so far for pretty trivial things! When we add patterns
> to the language, we're raising the expressive ability of these
> constructs to some power. And extrapolating from our existing
> intuitions about these are like extrapolating the behavior of
> polynomials from their zeroth-order Taylor expansion.
> (Now, that this point, the split-over-lump crowd says "Then you should
> define new constructs, if they're so much more powerful." But I still
> claim it is far better to refine our intuitions about what switch
> means, even with some discomfort, than to try to keep track of the
> subtle differences between switch and snitch.)
> So, why do we have the current null behavior for `instanceof` and
> `switch`? Well, right now, `instanceof` only lets you ask a very very
> simple question -- "is the dynamic type of the target X". And, the
> designers judged (reasonable) that, since 99.999% of the time, what
> you're about to do is cast the target and then deference it, saying
> "no" is less error-prone than saying OK and then having the subsequent
> dereference fail.
> But now, `instanceof` can answer far more sophisticated questions, and
> that 99.999% becomes a complete unknown. With what confidence can you
> say that the body of:
> if (b instanceof Box(var t)) { ... }
> is going to dereference t? If you say more than 50%, you're lying. It
> would be totally reasonable to just take that t and assign it
> somewhere else, rebox it into another box, pass it to some T-consuming
> method, etc. And who are we to say that Box-consuming protocols are
> somehow "bad" if they like to truck in null contents? That's not our
> business! So the conditions under which "always says no" was
> reasonable for Java 1.0 are no longer applicable.
> The same is true for switch, because of the very limited reference
> types which switch permits (and which were only added in Java 5) --
> boxed primitives, strings, and enums. In all of these cases, we are
> asking very simple questions ("are you 3"), and these are domains
> where nulls have historically been denigrated -- so it seemed
> reasonable for switch to be hostile to them. But once we introduce
> patterns, the set of questions you can ask gets enormously larger, and
> the set of types you can switch over does too. The old conditions
> don't apply. In:
> switch (o) {
> case Box(var t): ...
> case Bag(var t): ...
> }
> we care about the contents, not the wrapping; the switch is there to
> do the unwrapping for us. Who are we to say "sorry, no one should
> ever be allowed to put a null in a Bag?" That's not our business!
> At this point, I suspect Remi says "I'm not saying you can't put a
> null in a Box, but there should be a different way to unpack it." But
> unless you can say with 99.99% certainty that nulls are always errors,
> it is better to be agnostic to nulls in the plumbing and let users
> filter them at the ultimate point of consumption, than to make the
> plumbing null-hostile and make users jump through hoops to get the
> nulls to flow. The same was true for streams; we made the (absolutely
> correct) choice to let the nulls flow through the stream, and, if you
> are using a maybe-null-containing source, and doing null-incompatible
> things on the elements, it's on you to filter them. It is easier to
> filter nulls than to to add back a special encoding for nulls. (And,
> the result of that experiment was pretty conclusive: of the hundreds
> of stack overflow questions I have seen on streams, not one centered
> around unexpected nulls.)
> If we have guards, and you want to express "no Boxes with nulls",
> that's easy:
> case Box(var t) when t != null: ...
> And again, as with `instanceof`, we have no reason to believe that
> there's a 99.99% chance that the next thing the user is going to do is
> dereference it. So the justification that null-hostility is the
> "obvious" semantics here doesn't translate to the new, more powerful
> language feature.
> And it gets worse: the people who really want the nulls now have to do
> additional error-prone work, either use some ad-hoc epicyclical syntax
> at each use site (and, if the deconstruction pattern has five
> bindings, you have to say it five times), or having to duplicate
> blocks of code to avoid the switch anomaly.
> The conclusion of this section is that while the existing null
> behavior for instanceof and switch is justified relative to their
> _current_ limitations, once we remove those limitations, those
> behaviors are much more arbitrary (and kind of mean: "nulls are so
> bad, that if you are a null-using person, we will make it harder for
> you, 'for your own good'.")
> #### Split the baby?
> Now, there is room to make a reasonable argument that we'd rather keep
> the existing switch behavior, but accept the null-friendly matching
> behavior. My take is that this is a bad trade, but let's look at it
> more carefully.
> Gain: I don't have to learn a new set of rules about what
> switch/instanceof do with null.
> Loss: code duplication. If I want my fallback to handle nulls, I have
> to duplicate code; instead of
> switch (o) {
> case String s: A
> case Long l: B
> case Object o: C
> }
> I have to do
> if (o == null) { C }
> else switch (o) {
> case String s: A
> case Long l: B
> case Object o: C
> }
> resulting in duplicating C. (We have this problem today, but because
> of the limitations of switch today, it is rarely a problem. When our
> case labels are more powerful, we'll be using switch for more stuff,
> and it will surely come up more often.)
> Loss: refactoring anomaly. Refactoring a nested switch with:
> case P(Q):
> case P(R):
> case P(S):
> to
> case P(var x):
> switch (x) {
> case Q: ...
> case R: ...
> case S: ...
> }
> }
> doesn't work in the obvious way. Yes, there's a way to refactor it,
> and the IDE will do it correctly. But it becomes a sharp edge that
> users will trip over. The reason the above refactoring is desirable
> is because users will reasonably assume it works, and rather than cut
> them with a sharp edge, we can just make it way they way they
> reasonable think it should.
> So, we could make this trade, and it would be more "minimal" -- but I
> think it would result in a less useful switch in the long run. I
> think we would regret it.
> #### Conclusion
> If we were designing pattern matching and switch together from
> scratch, we would never even consider the current nullity behavior;
> the "wait until someone actually dereferences before we throw" is the
> obvious and only reasonable choice. We're being biased based on our
> existing assumptions about instanceof and switch. This is a
> reasonable starting point, but we have to admit that these biases in
> turn come from the fact that the current interpretations of those
> constructs are dramatically limited compared to supporting patterns.
> It is easy to trot out anecdotes where any of the possible schemes
> would cause a particular user to be confused. But this is just a way
> to justify our biases. The reality is that, as switch and instanceof
> get more powerful, we don't get to make as many assumptions about the
> liklihood of whether `null` is an error or not. And, the more likely
> it is not an error, the less justification we have for giving it
> special semantics.
> Let the nulls flow.
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