A peek at the roadmap for pattern matching and more
Guy Steele
guy.steele at oracle.com
Thu Aug 13 22:01:51 UTC 2020
> On Aug 13, 2020, at 5:37 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at oracle.com> wrote:
> On Aug 13, 2020, at 12:39 PM, Guy Steele <guy.steele at oracle.com <mailto:guy.steele at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Whereas I can more easily understand that the job of
>> public deconstructor Point(int x, int y) {
>> x = this.x;
>> y = this.y;
>> }
>> is to take values out of the object “this” and put them into separate _variables_, not a new object. (Granted, these variables have a somewhat new and mysterious existence and character.)
> And if this mysterious character were something completely unrelated
> to any other part of the Java language, I’d be more inclined to admit
> that maybe the missing primitive is some sort of tuple. It might have
> to be given a status like that of Java arrays to avoid the infinite regress
> problem you point out.
> BUT, when I stare at a block of code that is setting some named/typed
> variables, where those variables must be DA at the end of the block,
> and then they are to be available in various other scopes (not the
> current scope, but other API points), THEN I say, “where have I
> seen that pattern before…?” There is ALREADY a well-developed
> part of the Java language which covers this sort of workflow
> (of putting values into a set of required named/typed variables).
> Of course, it’s a constructor,
Actually, a constructor _body_.
Let us also recall that there is a second well-developed part of the Java language
that puts values into a set of required named/types variables: method invocation.
And its structure and behavior are rather different from that of a constructor body.
(more below)
> especially when the object has final
> fields that are checked by the DA/DU rules. Now, maybe those rules
> aren’t everybody’s favorite; they are complicated to learn. But
> Java programmers do learn them. How about if we give them
> additional rewards for having learned then? Instead of asking
> them to learn yet another sub-language (tuples-for-deconstructors)
> that is completely different?
> (Yes, I’m partial to DA/DU because those are my rules, for better
> or worse. Maybe Remi’s going to say something about a sunk cost
> fallacy. But I think the rules are useful and, with an IDE’s help,
> intuitive. And they can do more for us now. Let’s double down
> on them.)
> So here’s a principle to try out:
> The natural form of a multiple-value producing construct, in Java,
> is a scope in which named/typed variables are in scope, are DU,
> and must be DA before exit.
> As a variation, the natural form of a transactional multiple-value
> consuming-and-producing construct, in Java, is a scope where
> the values to be produced and consumed are both named/typed
> variables (as above), and where if a name is to be produced and
> consumed, it is a (mutable) DA value which is updated in the
> scope, and if a name is to be consumed only it is an (immutable)
> DA value, and otherwise the name to be produced only is DU
> but must be DA at every (normal) block exit.
> Regarding “block exit”: A keyword like “return” (as in lambda)
> or “yield” (as in e-switch) or “break” (as in s-switch) can provide
> early return, exactly as today with constructors, and with suitable
> DU/DA requirements on the variables. (A value-producing return
> (or yield) could in some cases be take to return a right-typed
> bundle. This might make sense, for example, with a constructor
> for an inline type, which aborts the construction of the current
> ’this’ in favor of some replacement value. This is illegitimate
> for an identity class, but reasonable for an inline class.)
> The above proposed patterns make sense both internally to
> a class (e.g., as constructor bodies which can touch private names)
> or externally (for untrusted code outside the capsule), as some sort
> of with-block construction, or (today) lambdas.
> Note that currently the natural form of a multiple-value consuming
> construct in Java is a method or lambda body with formal parameter list
> containing (wait for it) a set of named/typed variables in scope.
> And/or a method body, where the named/type variables are instance
> variables of the method’s class. Or both (there are extra axes of
> variation here).
> On Aug 13, 2020, at 5:38 PM, John Rose <john.r.rose at oracle.com> wrote:
> What you said!
> On Aug 13, 2020, at 1:14 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com <mailto:brian.goetz at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> By framing deconstructors as the arrow-reversed form of constructors, we provide the missing edges in our graph in a symmetrical way. By framing deconstruction as merely a "multi-getter", we may provide the missing edges, but the result is badly asymmetric.
All of which would seem to suggest Rémi’s multi-value-return minmax example as the dual to method invocation:
>> . . . a method minMax that returns both the minimum and the maximum of an array
>> public static (int min, int max) minMax(int[] array) {
> Nope. Not going there. I went down this road too, but multiple-return is another one of those “tease” features that looks cool but very quickly looks like glass 80% empty.
Part of the job of method invocation is to take a set of values and definitely assign them to a set of variables (the method parameters). This could be done with a block that is charged with the task of definitely assigning to those variables:
Math.atan{ x = 2.0; y = 3.0 }
myString.substring{ if (weird) { beginIndex = 3; endIndex = 5; } else { beginIndex = 0; endIndex = myString.length(); } }
but for convenience (or for compatibility with C) we provide a different mechanism, with different syntax, that in effect uses positional tuples. A block-with-assignment mechanism is possible, but that’s not Java.
Therefore we will keep re-encountering the question of why positional tuples are good Java style for passing several arguments to a method but not for returning several values from a method.
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