[records] Record updates for Preview/2
Brian Goetz
brian.goetz at oracle.com
Wed Jan 8 23:55:10 UTC 2020
We're gathering a list of what non-bugfix things we want to do for the
second preview of records. So far, on my list, I have:
1. Revisiting the j.l.Record supertype. We want to support inline
records when we have inline types. Until now, we've been working on the
assumption in Valhalla that inline classes can only extend interfaces,
not abstract classes, so it was suggested that Record should be an
interface. However, that topic in Valhalla is under reconsideration,
and I want to wait until that discussion plays out before making any
changes here.
It has also been pointed out that the name Record is somewhat clash-y.
I'm not really willing to pick a lousy name just to reduce the chance of
clashes, but I might be OK with a name like RecordClass. (Bikeshed
alert: if you want to discuss any of these topics, please start a new
thread; this one is about curating a to-do list.)
2. Accessibility of mandated members. Remi noted that the requirement
that the mandated record members be public, even for non-public classes,
was weird. But, at the time, the spec was in a state that trying to
revisit this was impractical -- Gavin has now left the spec in a much
cleaner place, and so it is reasonable to reopen this discussion. The
leading alternate candidate is to propagate the accessibility of the
record to its mandated members (public for public, etc), but still
require the author to say what they mean.
3. Nesting considerations. In 14 we will fix the issues surrounding
local records, but we still ban nested records in non-static classes.
We should fix this -- by dropping the restriction on static members in
inner classes -- and then bring records, enums, and interfaces to parity
(allowing local and nested flavors of all, all implicitly static.)
4. Abstract records. Several people have asked "what about abstract
records"; while these are theoretically possible, there are some
complications that I think are best left for treating these as a later
addition if needed. But, for the record, here are some thoughts from
the last time I looked into this.
Given that records are nominal tuples, the notion of "width subtyping"
comes immediately to mind. So, let's go with that for a moment: you
could say
abstract record A(int a, int b) { }
record B(int a, int b, int c) extends A { }
and there is a natural width subtyping relationship. We don't have
problems with the equality contract because the abstract class leaves
equals() abstract.
But, this is a story that is likely to not be entirely satisfactory. Do
we require that the state of A form a prefix for the state of B? This
may not be the API people want. Do we require that super(a,b) be passed
through unchanged? The constraints on the subclass in this model get,
What if there were a more flexible relationship:
record B(int a, int b, int c) extends A(a, b) { }
Now, there's more flexibility, at the cost of a new "extends"
construct. And what if you want to fix some field of A as a constant:
record iload2_bytecode() extends bytecode(0x1c) { }
These all seems like reasonable things to want when you get into
abstract records ... but they all start to push on the "records
imperative". So for now, we're doing nothing, until we have a better
story for what we actually want to do.
5. Deconstruction patterns. Yes, records should be deconstructible
with deconstruction patterns.
Anything else, that we've already discussed that I left out?
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