Observation about nulls in type patterns

Tagir Valeev amaembo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 21:41:18 UTC 2020

Note that static cast could be implemented as a library method!

public class ensure {
  static <T> T type(T t) {
    return t;

switch(ensure.<Number>type(o.get1().get2())) {

This is exactly a compile-time check :-)

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 4:29 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:
> Too bad there isn’t such a thing as a “static cast”. (Oooh!  Ooh!  “(static <type>) <expression>” !  :-). No, don’t do that; it’s a terrible pun on the word “static”.
> Alternately, what is too bad is that there _is_ such a thing as a "static cast", but it uses the same syntax, and has the same sort of contextual problem that Jens has complained about here!
> Suppose we have:
>     class Foo<T> {
>         void m(Foo f) {
>             Foo<String> fs = (Foo<String>) f;  // static cast!
>         }
>     }
> The cast to `Foo<String>` is purely a static cast.  (Same with casts to things like `Foo<T>` or `T[]` or `T`.)  Essentially, if the cast type is not reifiable, but the two types are cast-convertible (perhaps with an unchecked warning), then its a static type, otherwise its a dynamic type.  This fact has cause plenty of trouble in Valhalla, since having such a cast magically become a dynamic one would surely cause problems.
> But, yes, if casts could be explicitly denoted as static or dynamic, this would do the trick.
> But if this turns out to be a big problem, it does suggest that one could have a form of switch in which the static type of the switch expression is declared.  I don’t suggest pursuing it now, but it’s one idea to keep in our back pocket (where we can firmly sit on it unless and until needed).
> ... and we said the same thing the last time we were at this crossroads, with respect to totality in statement switches.   Indeed, when the switch rehabiliation is complete, we can go back and ask what additional optional type checking we want to perform.
> The mistake of declaring variables as `T t` rather than `t : T` (where you can elide the type ascription in some cases) haunts us ever day ... if we had gone this way, you could get what you want quite naturally with
>     switch (x : T) { ... }
> as a static type assertion.

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