Observation about nulls in type patterns
forax at univ-mlv.fr
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Mon Jul 27 22:42:08 UTC 2020
> De: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
> À: "Remi Forax" <forax at univ-mlv.fr>, "Guy Steele" <guy.steele at oracle.com>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at openjdk.java.net>
> Envoyé: Lundi 27 Juillet 2020 23:45:42
> Objet: Re: Observation about nulls in type patterns
> Now we're just going in circles, we already discussed this one. It creates at
> least as much trouble as it solves.
as far as i know, we envisage it as an or pattern and not an ad hoc syntax.
> One problem is that while this seems like an obvious syntactic trick when the
> patterns are as simple as they are today, what happens when you get to
> deconstruction patterns?
it acts as a type, so i don't see the issue
> Another is that you're kind of pretending this is a special case of an OR
> pattern,
no, I did not say that
> If you want to do this as a type pattern, you could interpret it as
> case (Number | Null) n: ...
> where `Null t` is a special type pattern that only matches null; this is
> consistent with the treatment of | in catch, which is also like a pattern. But
> this all seems pretty ad-hoc, and doesn't really help where we need it most,
> which is nesting:
> Box<String> bs;
> switch (bs) {
> case Box(var x): ...
> // or
> case Box(String s): ...
> }
the idea is to be explicit so
case Box(String|null s) -> ...
match null. The patterns above don't.
> If this doesn't match Box(null), this will be a much bigger source of mistakes
> than this current concern. It is pretty clear that both of the above want to
> match "all boxes", and people will routinely forget to say "| null" (or, be
> annoyed they do have to) in these cases.
or they will not want to match null and be annoyed by the following NPE.
When you have a design issue where half of the planet think one way and half of the planet think the other way,
the best is to have a kind of "mother may i" rule, basically, you ask the user to explicitly refine its intent.
> If we already had a `T?` type, there'd be a natural denotation of both nullable
> and non-nullable type patterns, and this would be less annoying, but we don't.
yes, String | null is the same notation as String? with the advantage being restricted to pattern matching and not being String? so allowing Java to add String? in a possible future (it's a kind of String? with no string attached :) )
> So there's a reason we didn't pick this one the first time around.
I believe it worth reconsidering it.
> (Stepping back, I would remind you that we are in the classic trap of, after
> having considered the problem in entirety, trying to fix the things we don't
> like locally, without re-doing the global analysis, just becomes someone
> noticed one of the things we don't like for the first time?)
I'm well aware of that trap but we already agree to have "case null" so we are considering null as a special local case.
> On 7/27/2020 5:05 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Instead of having an idiom, we can use a restricted Java-ish syntax.
>> For me it's a lot like when you want a serializable lambda and you end up with
>> an ad hoc java-ish syntax (Foo & Serializable) s -> ...
>> So i propose Number | null,
>> switch (o.get1().get2()) {
>> case Integer i -> ...
>> case Number | null n -> …
>> }
>> it's a restricted syntax too, it's either "type | null" and it's obviously
>> explicit, it also makes the rule that say if a switch accept null or not more
>> obvious because it's decouple from the notion of a total coverage, if a case
>> accept null then the switch accept null.
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