Relaxed assignment conversions for sealed types

Remi Forax forax at
Sun Oct 25 17:13:38 UTC 2020

----- Mail original -----
> De: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> À: "Tagir Valeev" <amaembo at>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Envoyé: Dimanche 25 Octobre 2020 15:06:42
> Objet: Re: Relaxed assignment conversions for sealed types


> On to Remi's comments:
>> If we have a rule that allows semless conversions between the super reference
>> type and primitive object type,
>> the pair super reference type/primitive object type  will behave more or less
>> like the auto-boxing rules between an Integer and an int.
> That's exactly how I think it's going to work; we generalize
> boxing/unboxing to "value widening/narrowing" conversions, with the
> exact same semantics, and apply to all value/ref projections of
> inlines.  This neatly flows into rules like overload selection, where
> candidates without conversion are preferred to candidates with
> conversion.  No new rules to learn; just more uniform boxing. (Reminder:
> this is the Amber list, so take disagreements with this statement to the
> Valhalla list.)

I don't disagree, i mention Valhalla primitive object type on this list to provide context to Tagir.

>> One issue I see with this proposal, and the original one by Brian, the relation
>> is asymetric,
>> MyFooImpl to MyFoo is subtyping but MyFoo to MyFooImpl is unboxing (so not the
>> same pass when finding the most specific method), so it doesn't work fully like
>> Integer and int.
>> And i've used unboxing because it's already an existing rule, but maybe it's a
>> new kind of conversion that will require us to carefully think about
> Mucking up the declaration site for this seems unnecessary, and also
> limits the usefulness of it.  (As proposed, this can work when you have
> multiple subtypes that implement a common interface.)

yep, using the declaration site is more restrictive but because it's a handshake if someone add a new permitted type, the code will not compile at the declaration of the sealed type and not somewhere else in the application.

>  But, the part of this that is worth discussing is that yes, this could be a _conversion_
> rather than assignability.  The effect of this would mostly show up in
> overload selection (where the strongly applicable options are preferred
> over the loosely ones) and type inference. Its a possibility, but I'm
> not sure it really buys much, and doesn't really address Tagir's "too
> magic" concerns.  (If anything, conversions are more magic than
> assignability.)

I've proposed boxing because i fear that if subtyping and this new conversion are at the same level, we will have trouble with inference because you can go in both direction at the same time.


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