Switch labels (null again), some tweaking

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Thu Apr 29 14:46:23 UTC 2021

Whenever you have a deconstruction pattern, there's always a remainder 
null. (Point(var x, var y) NPEs on null.)

Whenever you cover a sealed type with alternatives (but no total 
pattern), there's always remainder null and "novel".

Whenever you lift over a nestable pattern (like D(T), or String[] { P 
}), you have to wrap the remainder with the nestable thing.

So yes, Container(Pizza) is also remainder.

Based on historical precedent, its tempting to specify NPE for null 
remainder and ICCE for novel remainder.  (I can also imagine cases where 
the logical exception type is CCE.)  But that doesn't scale up very 
well; what do we throw for DoubleLunchPack(null, pizza)?  It has both 
null- and novel-derived remainders.  I don't think we want the compiler 
generating tons of code just so each remainder can get a different 
exception; more likely, the compiler will want to generate some sort of 
"default: throwSomethingSimple" clause.

On 4/29/2021 5:43 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>> If I read the rules correctly, Box(Soup) + Bag(Soup) "cover" 
>>> Container<Lunch>, with the exception of the { null, Box(null), 
>>> Bag(null) }. So the above will throw when `lunch` is null, and will 
>>> also throw with Box(null) or Bag(null). Correct?
>> Correct (under the "we make switches total" plan.)
> I realized there's also another remainder Box/Bag(*) - e.g. 
> Box/Bag(Pizza), where Pizza is a new type that shows up in the sealed 
> hierarchy.
> To cover that (not that it's required at compile-time, just to imagine 
> what javac would emit), we need probably one of these:
> case Box b:
> or
> case Container c
> Right?
> Maurizio

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