Two new draft pattern matching JEPs

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Sat Mar 6 17:51:34 UTC 2021

> The “as” pattern which binds a value before doing
> more pattern matching

Note that for all the patterns we have right now, there is no need: type 
patterns, record/deconstruction patterns, and array patterns all take an 
identifier (optional in the last two) which is the as-slot.  I believe 
users will find:

     case Point(var x, var y) p:

much more natural than

     case Point(var x, var y) & var p:

and, additionally, if we intend to generalize local declaration / method 
parameters to support total patterns, then we will want this extra 
syntax anyway:

     void m(Point(var x, var y) p)  // p is surely required here

So the "as" slot right now is a theoretical concern, but, your point is 
taken, that a conjoined `var` pattern can act as an "as".

> on it should can be synthesized
> from “var” and “&”, as “P & var x”.  The rules for
> inferring “var” types should take into account
> left context as much as possible; I don’t think
> that’s all there yet.  (I think “var x & P” is a
> novice’s error, since the inferred type is poor.)

I think what you're saying is that if P has a target-type of T, and Q 
has a target-type of U, then in

     x instanceof (P & Q & var x)

and, given x : X, then, since we won't even try to match `var x` unless 
P and Q already match, we seed inference with constraints x <: X, x <: 
T, and X <: U, and will generally get out (some normalization of) x <: 

> You noted that array patterns sometimes want to
> refer into the middle of the array.

I think this is relatively low on the priority list; matching the whole 
array, or an initial segment of the array, seem natural use cases for 
the language, but I'm not sure I want to embed a comprehension-query 
language to pick up the rest of the use cases.

> If and when we do special construction expression syntax
> for list, map, set, and 99 other user-defined types (I’m
> serious about the 99; that’s a lower limit) then we will
> want to make associated pattern syntaxes available.
> The array stuff is a harbinger of this, since (as is rightly
> so) the construction syntax new int[]{stuff} is associated
> with the deconstruction syntax which is exactly the
> same, except (a) the “new” is gone, and (b) the “stuff”
> is pattern-land instead of expression-land.

The array syntax is closely related to declared patterns with varargs 
(of which varargs records are already on the docket.)

> You mention constraints that force switches to be
> either pattern switches or non-pattern switches.
> (This is near the example with “error1”.)

This was intended as a transitional ("Preview 1") simplification.  A 
constant case `case L` can be desugared to `case var x && x == L` 
relatively easy.

> For a non-pattern switch, you conservatively
> left out “case null,1,2,3:”.  I think that’s too
> conservative.  I won’t always want to route
> null to the default case.

Yep, good catch.

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