Sealed Exception

Remi Forax forax at
Fri Sep 24 09:45:27 UTC 2021

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Zheka Kozlov" <orionllmain at>
> To: "amber-dev" <amber-dev at>
> Sent: Vendredi 24 Septembre 2021 10:30:54
> Subject: Sealed Exception

> Hi!

CC amber-spec-experts

> Java 17 compiler forces me to insert an unreachable catch block for the
> base Exception:
> public static void main(String[] args) {
>    try {
>        f();
>    } catch (Ex1 e) {
>        e.printStackTrace();
>    } catch (Ex2 e) {
>        e.printStackTrace();
>    } catch (BaseEx e) {
>        // Unreachable
>    }
> }
> private static void f() throws BaseEx {
> }
> sealed abstract class BaseEx extends Exception permits Ex1, Ex2 {
> }
> Otherwise it doesn't compile. Was this decision intentional? 

I don't think so, it's something we have overlooked.

> If yes, why? If not, can we fix it? I see this as an unfortunate limitation.

I agree, it should be fixed.

> With best regards, Zheka Kozlov.


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