[External] : Re: Pattern assignment

Alan Malloy amalloy at google.com
Thu Apr 7 21:38:23 UTC 2022

On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 6:48 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com> wrote:

> I'm certainly on board with a pattern-matching context that doesn't
> require a vacuous conditional. Remainder, as it often does to me, seems
> like the most likely point of confusion, but if we believe Java developers
> can get their heads around the idea of remainder in other contexts, I don't
> think this one is a novel problem.
> Remainder is hard; the idea that our definition of "exhaustive" is
> intentionally defective is subtle, and will surely elicit "lol java"
> reactions among those disinclined to think very hard.  I wonder if a better
> term than "exhaustive" would help, one that doesn't promise so much.
> I don't immediately see the benefit of partial patterns: why should I write
> (I assume you mean you don't see the benefit of *let* with partial
> patterns, since if all patterns were total this would just be multiple
> return.)
> let Optional.of(foo) = x;
> else foo = defaultFoo;
> Because of scoping, and because you can't have a pattern just write to a
> local, even a blank final.  (This could of course be made to work, but I
> would really rather avoid going there if we at all can.  (Yes Remi, I know
> you're in favor of going there.))
> when I could instead write (I assume blank finals are valid pattern
> variables?)
> final Foo foo;
> if (!(x instanceof Optional.of(foo))) foo = defaultFoo;
> Not currently, and I'd like to avoid it.  One reason is that this looks
> too much like a factory invocation; another is that, if we ever have
> constant patterns, then it won't be clear whether `foo` above is a variable
> into which to write the answer, or a constant that is being matched to the
> result of the binding.  Both of these are fighting (with method invocation)
> for the concise syntax, and I'm not sure I want any of them to win, but
> they can't all win, and I am not ready to pick that winner yet.  But, we
> will probably have to confront this  in some form when we get to dtor
> declaration.
Yes, I suppose it's uncomfortably close to a method call. My thinking was
that, with foo a blank final (and therefore definitely unassigned), only a
pattern match makes sense. Since patterns already rely on DA/UA analysis
for scoping, this doesn't seem like that much of a further stretch. But,
okay, it's not very pretty either, and I don't mind if we don't go this

> But yes, the main value of the `else` is so that bindings can be via a
> fallback path and be in scope for the rest of the method.  The rest of
> `else` and `when` is mostly along for the ride.  And its likely that we
> wouldn't do all these forms initially, but I wanted to sketch out the whole
> design space before doing anything.
> Obviously it's shorter, but I'm not sure that's worth giving up the
> promised simplicity from earlier that `let` is for when "we know a
> pattern will always match".
> OK, so you see this as being mostly "for unconditional patterns".
Yes. If I want to assign to a variable based on a pattern that might fail,
why wouldn't I just use a switch expression?

> Let-expressions seem like a reasonable extension, though who knows how
> popular it will be. Of course, we could always generalize and add
> statement-expressions instead...alas, such a change will have to wait quite
> a while longer, I'm sure.
> Let expressions would alleviate some but not all of the cases for which
> general statement-expressions would.  They are not quite as good for "f =
> new Foo(); f.setX(3); yield f;", but (IMO) better for pulling common
> subexpressions into variables whose scope is confined to the expression.
> Did you consider allowing pattern parameters only in lambdas, not in
> methods in general? Since a lambda is generally "internal implementation"
> and a method is often API-defining, it might be reasonable to allow
> implementation details to leak into lambda definitions if it makes them
> more convenient to write, while keeping the more formal separation of
> implementation and API for method parameters.
> Yes, but I didn't come up with a syntax I liked enough for both lambdas
> and let.  Perhaps I'll try some more.
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 8:39 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
> wrote:
>> We still have a lot of work to do on the current round of pattern
>> matching (record patterns), but let's take a quick peek down the road.
>> Pattern assignment is a sensible next building block, not only because it
>> is directly useful, but also because it will be required for _declaring_
>> deconstruction patterns in classes (that's how one pattern delegates to
>> another.)  What follows is a rambling sketch of all the things we _could_
>> do with pattern assignment, though we need not do all of them initially, or
>> even ever.
>> # Pattern assignment
>> So far, we've got two contexts in the language that can accommodate
>> patterns --
>> `instanceof` and `switch`.  Both of these are conditional contexts,
>> designed for
>> dealing with partial patterns -- test whether a pattern matches, and if
>> so,
>> conditionally extract some state and act on it.
>> There are cases, though, when we know a pattern will always match, in
>> which case
>> we'd like to spare ourselves the ceremony of asking.  If we have a 3d
>> `Point`,
>> asking if it is a `Point` is redundant and distracting:
>> ```
>> Point p = ...
>> if (p instanceof Point(var x, var y, var z)) {
>>     // use x, y, z
>> }
>> ```
>> In this situation, we're asking a question to which we know the answer,
>> and
>> we're distorting the structure of our code to do it.  Further, we're
>> depriving
>> ourselves of the type checking the compiler would willingly do to
>> validate that
>> the pattern is total.  Much better to have a way to _assert_ that the
>> pattern
>> matches.
>> ## Let-bind statements
>> In such a case, where we want to assert that the pattern matches, and
>> forcibly
>> bind it, we'd rather say so directly.  We've experimented with a few ways
>> to
>> express this, and the best approach seems to be some sort of `let`
>> statement:
>> ```
>> let Point(var x, var y, var z) p = ...;
>> // can use x, y, z, p
>> ```
>> Other ways to surface this might be to call it `bind`:
>> ```
>> bind Point(var x, var y, var z) p = ...;
>> ```
>> or even use no keyword, and treat it as a generalization of assignment:
>> ```
>> Point(var x, var y, var z) p = ...;
>> ```
>> (Usual disclaimer: we discuss substance before syntax.)
>> A `let` statement takes a pattern and an expression, and we statically
>> verify
>> that the pattern is exhaustive on the type of the expression; if it is
>> not, this is a
>> type error at compile time.  Any bindings that appear in the pattern are
>> definitely assigned and in scope in the remainder of the block that
>> encloses the
>> `let` statement.
>> Let statements are also useful in _declaring_ patterns; just as a subclass
>> constructor will delegate part of its job to a superclass constructor, a
>> subclass deconstruction pattern will likely want to delegate part of its
>> job to
>> a superclass deconstruction pattern.  Let statements are a natural way to
>> invoke
>> total patterns from other total patterns.
>> #### Remainder
>> Let statements require that the pattern be exhaustive on the type of the
>> expression.
>> For total patterns like type patterns, this means that every value is
>> matched,
>> including `null`:
>> ```
>> let Object o = x;
>> ```
>> Whatever the value of `x`, `o` will be assigned to `x` (even if `x` is
>> null)
>> because `Object o` is total on `Object`.  Similarly, some patterns are
>> clearly
>> not total on some types:
>> ```
>> Object o = ...
>> let String s = o;  // compile error
>> ```
>> Here, `String s` is not total on `Object`, so the `let` statement is not
>> valid.
>> But as previously discussed, there is a middle ground -- patterns that are
>> _total with remainder_ -- which are "total enough" to be allowed to be
>> considered
>> exhaustive, but which in fact do not match on certain "weird" values. An
>> example is the record pattern `Box(var x)`; it matches all box instances,
>> even
>> those containing null, but does not match a `null` value itself (because
>> to
>> deconstruct a `Box`, we effectively have to invoke an instance member on
>> the
>> box, and we cannot invoke instance members on null receivers.)
>> Similarly, the
>> pattern `Box(Bag(String s))` is total on `Box<Bag<String>>`, with
>> remainder
>> `null` and `Box(null)`.
>> Because `let` statements guarantee that its bindings are definitely
>> assigned
>> after the `let` statement completes normally, the natural thing to do when
>> presented with a remainder value is to complete abruptly by reason of
>> exception.
>> (This is what `switch` does as well.)  So the following statement:
>> ```
>> Box<Bag<String>> bbs = ...
>> let Box(Bag(String s)) = bbs;
>> ```
>> would throw when encountering `null` or `Box(null)` (but not
>> `Box(Bag(null))`,
>> because that matches the pattern, with `s=null`, just like a switch
>> containing
>> only this case would.
>> #### Conversions
>> JLS Chapter 5 ("Conversions and Contexts") outlines the conversions
>> (widening,
>> narrowing, boxing, unboxing, etc) that are permitted in various contexts
>> (assignment, loose method invocation, strict method invocation, cast,
>> etc.)
>> We need to define the set of conversions we're willing to perform in the
>> context
>> of a `let` statement as well; which of the following do we want to
>> support?
>> ```
>> let int x = aShort;     // primitive widening
>> let byte b = 0;         // primitive narrowing
>> let Integer x = 0;      // boxing
>> let int x = anInteger;  // unboxing
>> ```
>> The above examples -- all of which use type patterns -- look a lot like
>> local
>> variable declarations (especially if we choose to go without a keyword);
>> this
>> strongly suggests we should align the valid set of conversions in `let`
>> statements with those permitted in assignment context.  The one place
>> where we
>> have to exercise care is conversions that involve unboxing; a null in such
>> circumstances feeds into the remainder of the pattern, rather than having
>> matching throw (we're still likely to throw, but it affects the timing of
>> how
>> far we progress in a pattern switch before we do so.)  So for example,
>> the
>> the pattern `int x` is exhaustive on `Integer`, but with remainder `null`.
>> ## Possible extensions
>> There are a number of ways we can extend `let` statements to make it more
>> useful; these could be added at the same time, or at a later time.
>> #### What about partial patterns?
>> There are times when it may be more convenient to use a `let` even when
>> we know
>> the pattern is partial.  In most cases, we'll still want to complete
>> abruptly if the
>> pattern doesn't match, but we may want to control what happens.  For
>> example:
>> ```
>> let Optional.of(var contents) = optName
>> else throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is empty");
>> ```
>> Having an `else` clause allows us to use a partial pattern, which receives
>> control if the pattern does not match.  The `else` clause could choose to
>> throw,
>> but could also choose to `break` or `return` to an enclosing context, or
>> even
>> recover by assigning the bindings.
>> #### What about recovery?
>> If we're supporting partial patterns, we might want to allow the `else`
>> clause
>> to provide defaults for the bindings, rather than throw.  We can make the
>> bindings of the
>> pattern in the `let` statement be in scope, but definitely unassigned, in
>> the
>> `else` clause, which means the `else` clause could initialize them and
>> continue:
>> ```
>> let Optional.of(var contents) = optName
>> else contents = "Unnamed";
>> ```
>> This allows us to continue, while preserving the invariant that when the
>> `let`
>> statement completes normally, all bindings are DA.
>> #### What about guards
>> If we're supporting partial patterns, we also need to consider the case
>> where
>> the pattern matches but we still want to reject the content.  This could
>> of
>> course be handled by testing and throwing after the `let` completes, but
>> if we
>> want to recover via the `else` clause, we might want to handle this
>> directly.
>> We've already introduced a means to do this for switch cases -- a `when`
>> clause
>> -- and this works equally well in `let`:
>> ```
>> let Point(var x, var y) = aPoint
>> when x >= 0 && y >= 0
>> else { x = y = 0; }
>> ```
>> #### What about expressions?
>> The name `let` conjures up the image of `let` expressions in functional
>> languages, where we introduce a local binding for use in the scope of a
>> single
>> expression.  This is not an accident!  It is quite useful when the same
>> expression
>> is going to be used multiple times, or when we want to limit the scope of
>> a local
>> to a specific computation.
>> It is a short hop to `let` being usable as an expression, by providing an
>> `in`
>> clause:
>> ```
>> String lastThree =
>>     let int len = s.length()
>>     in s.substring(len-3, len);
>> ```
>> The scope of the binding `len` is the expression to the right of the `in`,
>> nothing else.  (As with `switch` expressions, the expression to the right
>> of the `in` could be a block with a `yield` statement.)
>> It is a further short hop to permitting _multiple_ matches in a single
>> `let`
>> statement or expression:
>> ```
>> int area = let Point(var x0, var y0) = lowerLeft,
>>                Point(var x1, var y1) = upperRight
>>            in (x1-x0) * (y1-y0);
>> ```
>> #### What about parameter bindings?
>> Destructuring with total patterns is also useful for method and lambda
>> parameters.  For a lambda that accepts a `Point`, we could include the
>> pattern
>> in the lambda parameter list, and the bindings would automatically be in
>> scope in the body.  Instead of:
>> ```
>> areaFn = (Point lowerLeft, Point upperRight)
>>          -> (upperRight.x() - lowerLeft.x()) * (upperRight.y() -
>> lowerLeft.y());
>> ```
>> we could do the destructuring in the lambda header:
>> ```
>> areaFn = (let Point(var x0, var y0) lowerLeft,
>>           let Point(var x1, var y1) upperRight)
>>          -> (x1-x0) * (y1-y0);
>> ```
>> This allows us to treat the derived values to be "parameters" of the
>> lambda.  We
>> would enforce totality at compile time, and dynamically reject remainder
>> as we
>> do with `switch` and `let` statements.
>> I think this one may be a bridge too far, though.  The method header
>> should
>> probably be reserved for API declaration, and destructuring only serves
>> the
>> implementation.  I think I'd prefer to move the `let` into the body of the
>> method or lambda.
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