[External] : Re: Record patterns (and beyond): exceptions

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at oracle.com
Fri Feb 18 14:34:45 UTC 2022

>     But this clearly does not fall into ICCE.  ICCE means, basically,
>     "your classpath is borked"; that things that were known to be true
>     at compile time are not true at runtime. (Inconsistent separate
>     compilation is the most common cause.)  But Box(Bag(null)) is not
>     an artifact of inconsistent separate compilation. 
> I think i've not understood the problem correctly, i was thinking the 
> error was due to the erasure, Box<Bag> being erased to Box, the 
> problem with erasure is that you see the problem late, in case of the 
> switch after the phase that does instanceofs, so we end up with 
> ClassCastException instead of ICCE.

CCE is not the right thing either.  Let's step back and go over the 

We want for the compiler to be able to do type checking that a switch is 
"total enough" to not require a default clause.  We want this not just 
because writing a default clause when you think you've got things 
covered is annoying, but also, because once you have a default clause, 
you've given up on getting any better type checking for totality.  In a 
switch over enum X {A, B}, having only cases for A and B means that, 
when someone adds C later, you'll find out about it, rather than 
sweeping it under the rug.  Sealed class hierarchies have the same 
issues as enums; the possibility of novel values due to separate 
compilation.  So far, all of these could be described by ICCE (and they 
are, currently.)

We've already talked for several lifetimes about null; switches that 
reject null do so with NPE.  That also makes sense.  We had hoped that 
this covered the weird values that might leak out of 
otherwise-exhaustive switches, but that was wishful thinking.

Having nested deconstruction patterns introduces an additional layer of 
weirdness.  Suppose we have

     sealed interface A permits X, Y { }
     Box<A> box;

     switch (box) {
         case Box(X x):
         case Box(Y y):

This should be exhaustive, but we have to deal with two additional bad 
values: Box(null), which is neither a Box(A) or a Box(B), and Box(C), 
for a novel subtype C.  We don't want to disturb the user to deal with 
these by making them have a default clause.

So we define exhaustiveness separately from totality, and remainder is 
the difference.  (We can constructively characterize the upper bound on 
remainder.)  And we can introduce a throwing default, as we did with 
expression switches over enums.  But what should it throw?

The obvious but naive answer is "well, Box(null) should throw NPE, and 
Box(C) should throw ICCE."  But only a few minutes thinking shows this 
to be misleading, expensive, and arbitrary.  When we encountered 
Box(null), it was not because anyone tried to dereference a null, so 
throwing NPE is misleading.  If the shape of the remainder is 
complicated, this means generating tons of low-value, compiler-generated 
boilerplate to differentiate Box(Bag(null)) from 
Box(Container(<novel>)).  That's expensive.  And, what about Foo(null, 
C)?  Then we have to arbitrarily pick one.  It's a silly scheme.

So the logical thing to do is to say that these things fall into a 
different category from NPE and ICCE, which is that they are remainder, 
which gets its own label.
>     In any case, I am not getting your point about "but people can
>     catch it."  So what?  People can catch OOME too, and try to parse
>     the output of toString() when we tell them not to. But that's no
>     reason to make all exceptions "OpaqueError". So what is your point
>     here? 
> You can catch OOME if you write the code by hand. People are using 
> IDEs and when the IDE is lost or the user have click on the wrong 
> button, catch(Exception) appears.
> That the reason why we have both IOError and UncheckedIOException in 
> the JDK.

I'm still not getting your point.

>     Some patterns are considered exhaustive, but not total.  A
>     deconstruction pattern D(E(total)) is one such example; it is
>     exhaustive on D, but does not match D(null), because matching the
>     nested E(total) requires invoking a deconstructor in E, and you
>     can't invoke an instance member on a null receiver.  Still, we
>     consider D(E(total)) exhaustive on D<E>, which means it is enough
>     to satisfy the type checker that you've covered everything.
>     Remainder is just the gap between exhaustiveness and totality. 
> The gap is due to E(...) not matching null, for me it's a NPE with an 
> error message saying exactly that.

See above -- this is (a) NOT about dereferencing a null; it's about a 
value outside the set of match values, (b) the scheme involving NPE does 
not scale, and (c) will eventually force us to silly arbitrary choices.

> What you are saying is that at runtime you need to know if a pattern 
> is total or not, exactly you need to know if was decided to be total 
> at compile, so at runtime you can decide to throw a NPE or not.
> Furthermore, if at runtime you detect that the total pattern is not 
> total anymore, a ICCE should be raised.

No, what I'm saying is that totality and exhaustiveness are related, but 
separate, concepts, and these do not stem from NPE or ICCE, that this is 
a fundamental thing about switch exhaustiveness (and later, same for 
let/bind) that needs to be captured in the language.

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