[External] : Re: Primitive type patterns
forax at univ-mlv.fr
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Mon Feb 28 18:34:49 UTC 2022
> From: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
> To: "Remi Forax" <forax at univ-mlv.fr>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at openjdk.java.net>
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 7:08:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [External] : Re: Primitive type patterns
>>> So *of course* there's an obvious definition of how `int x` matches against
>>> Integer, and its not a question of whether we "define" it that way, its a
>>> question of whether we expose the obvious meaning, or suppress it. I think the
>>> arguments in favor of suppression are pretty weak.
>> The strong argument is that instanceof/switch case is about subtyping
>> relationship while assignment is about assignment conversions, trying to blur
>> the lines between the two has already been tried in the past and it results in
>> pain (see below).
> This is pretty much assuming your conclusion, and then stating it as
> justification :)
> I get it; you would prefer that pattern matching be *only* about subtyping. I
> understand why you prefer that. But I think this is mostly a "retreat to the
> comfort zone" thing.
>> What about ?
>> Object o =...
>> if (o instanceof byte) { ... }
>> Does it means that o can be a Long ?
> This is a good question. (But I know it's also a trap.) We first have to ask
> about (static) applicability: is the pattern `byte b` applicable to Object? If
> not, we'll get a compilation error.
> My earlier message said:
> - A primitive type pattern `P p` should be applicable to a reference target T if
> T unboxes to P, or T unboxes to a primitive type that can be widened to P [ or
> if T unboxes to a primitive type that can be narrowed to P. ]
> Does Object unbox to byte? No.
> Does Object unbox to a primitive type that can be widened to byte? No.
> [brackets] Does Object unbox to a primitive type than can be narrowed to byte?
> No.
> How does this square with assignments? I cannot assign
> byte b = anObject
> | incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to byte
> If I try this with casting:
> Object o = 0L
> byte b = (byte) o
> I get a CCE, because the cast will only convert from Byte.
> Now, what if instead of Object, we start with Long?
> Long l = 0L
> if (l instanceof byte b) { ... }
> First, applicability: does Long unbox to a primitive type that can be narrowed
> to byte? Yes! Long unboxes to long, and long can be narrowed to byte.
> Then: matching: if the RHS is not null, we unbox, and do a range check. (The
> rules in my previous mail probably didn't get this case perfectly right), but
> 0L will match, and 0xffff will not -- as we would expect.
This is totally alien to me, when you have x instanceof Foo (note: this is not the pattern version) with X the type of x, then if x is declared with a super type of X it works the exact same way, i.e i don't have to care to much about the type on what i'm doing an instanceof / switching over it.
The rule you propose breaks that, i've to take a very close look to the type of 'x'. As i said earlier, it's too smart for me.
I see no problem to have such semantics specified by a pattern method, but i don't think we should make the type pattern too clever.
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