Treatment of total patterns (was: Reviewing feedback on patterns in switch)

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Jan 26 07:53:37 UTC 2022

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tagir Valeev" <amaembo at>
> To: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
> Cc: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 5:20:24 AM
> Subject: Re: Treatment of total patterns (was: Reviewing feedback on patterns in switch)

>> Null is only matched by a switch case that includes `case null`.  Switches with
>> no `case null` are treated as if they have a `case null: throw NPE`.  This
>> means that `case Object o` doesn’t match null; only `case null, Object o` does.
>> Total patterns are re-allowed in instanceof expressions, and are consistent with
>> their legacy form.
> I strongly support this change.
> In my experience, it's much more important to have automatic
> refactorings between switch and chains of 'if' than between nested and
> flat switches. People have chains of 'if's very often and they are not
> legacy. Sometimes, you want to add conditions unrelated to the
> selector expression, so it could be natural to convert 'switch' to
> 'if'. In other cases, you simplify the chain of 'if' statements and
> see that the new set of conditions nicely fits into a pattern switch.
> These if<->switch conversions will be an everyday tool for developers.
> In contrast, destructuring with a switch will be a comparatively rare
> thing, and it's even more rare when you need to convert nested
> switches to flat ones or vice versa. I'm saying this from my Kotlin
> programming experience where you can have when-is and sort of
> destructuring of data classes which are roughly similar to what we are
> doing for Java. One level 'when' is common, two-level 'when' or
> conditions on destructuring components are more rare.
> We already implemented some kind of switch<->if conversion in IntelliJ
> IDEA. And it already has a number of corner cases to handle in order
> to support total patterns that match null. In particular, we cannot
> convert `case Object obj` to `if (x instanceof Object obj), as total
> patterns are prohibited for instanceof and null won't be matched
> anyway. We cannot just omit a condition, as `obj` could be used
> afterwards, so we have to explicitly declare a variable (and I
> believe, this part is still buggy and may produce incompilable code).
> The proposed change will make switch<->if refactorings more mechanical
> and predictable.
> Another thing I mentioned before and want to stress again is that this
> change will allow us to infer required nullity for the variable used
> in the switch selector from AST only. No need to use resolution or
> type inference. This will make interprocedural analysis stronger.
> E.g., consider:
> //
> class Test {
>  static void test(A a) {
>    switch(a) {
>    case B b -> {}
>    case C c -> {}
>    case D d -> {}
>    }
>  }
> }
> There are two possibilities:
> 1. D is a superclass of A, thus the last pattern is total, and null is
> accepted here:
> interface D {}
> interface A extends D {}
> interface B extends A {}
> interface C extends A {}
> 2. A is a sealed type with B, C, and D inheritors, switch is
> exhaustive, and null is not accepted here:
> sealed interface A {}
> non-sealed interface B extends A {}
> non-sealed interface C extends A {}
> non-sealed interface D extends A {}
> So without looking at A definition (which might be anywhere) we cannot
> say whether test(null) will throw NPE or not. We cannot cache the
> knowledge about 'test' method parameter nullability within the
>, because its nullability might change if we change the
> hierarchy of A, even if content is untouched. Currently, we
> are conservative and not infer nullability when any unguarded pattern
> appears in switch cases. With the required `case null`, we can perform
> more precise analysis.

We should go a step further, this also means that with

switch(box) {
   case Box(B b) -> {}
   case Box(C c) -> {}
   case Box(D d) -> {}

we have no idea if the switch will accept Box(null) or not.

So the idea that a type behave differently if nested inside a pattern or not is not a good one.

> With best regards,
> Tagir Valeev.


> On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 2:47 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
>> 1.  Treatment of total patterns in switch / instanceof
>> The handling of totality has been a long and painful discussion, trying to
>> balance between where we want this feature to land in the long term, and
>> people’s existing mental models of what switch and instanceof are supposed to
>> do.  Because we’ve made the conscious decision to rehabilitate switch rather
>> than make a new construct (which would live side by side with the old construct
>> forever), we have to take into account the preconceived mental models to a
>> greater degree.
>> Totality is a predicate on a pattern and the static type of its match target;
>> for a pattern P to be total on T, it means that all values of T are matched by
>> P.  Note that when I say “matched by”, I am appealing not necessarily to “what
>> does switch do” or “what does instanceof do”, but to an abstract notion of
>> matching.
>> The main place where there is a gap between pattern totality and whether a
>> pattern matches in a switch has to do with null.  We’ve done a nice job
>> retrofitting “case null” onto switch (especially with `case null, Foo f` which
>> allows the null to be bound to f), but people are still uncomfortable with
>> `case Object o` binding null to o.
>> (Another place there is a gap is with nested patterns; Box(Bag(String s)) should
>> be total on Box<Bag<String>>, but can’t match Box(null).   We don’t want to
>> force users to add default cases, but a switch on Box<Bag<String>> would need
>> an implicit throwing case to deal with the remainder.)
>> I am not inclined to reopen the “should `Object o` be total” discussion; I
>> really don’t think there’s anything new to say there.  But we can refine the
>> interaction between a total pattern and what the switch and instanceof
>> constructs might do.  Just because `Object o` is total on Object, doesn’t mean
>> `case Object o` has to match it.  It is the latter I am suggesting we might
>> reopen.
>> The motivation for treating total patterns as total (and therefore nullable) in
>> switch comes in part from the desire to avoid introducing sharp edges into
>> refactoring.  Specifically, we had two invariants in mind:
>>     x matches P(Q) === x matches P(var alpha) && alpha matches Q:
>> and
>>     switch (x) {
>>         case P(Q): A
>>         case P(T): B
>>     }
>> where T is total on the type of x, should be equivalent to
>>     switch (x) {
>>         case P(var alpha):
>>             switch(alpha) {
>>                 case Q: A
>>                 case T: B
>>             }
>>         }
>>    }
>> These invariants are powerful both for linguistic transformation and for
>> refactoring.
>> The refinements I propose are:
>>  - Null is only matched by a switch case that includes `case null`.  Switches
>>  with no `case null` are treated as if they have a `case null: throw NPE`.  This
>>  means that `case Object o` doesn’t match null; only `case null, Object o` does.
>>  - Total patterns are re-allowed in instanceof expressions, and are consistent
>>  with their legacy form.
>> Essentially, this gives switch and instanceof a chance to treat null specially
>> with their existing semantics, which takes precedence over the pattern match.
>> The consequences of this for our refactoring rules are:
>>  - When unrolling a nested pattern P(Q), we can only do so when Q is not total.
>>  - When unrolling a switch over nested patterns to a nested switch, `case P(T)`
>>  must be unrolled not to `case T`, but `case null, T`.
>> These changes entail no changes to the semantics of pattern matching; they are
>> changes to the semantics of instanceof/switch with regard to null.

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