"With" for records

Remi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Fri Jun 10 14:28:44 UTC 2022

> From: "Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at oracle.com>
> To: "amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at openjdk.java.net>
> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 2:44:51 PM
> Subject: "With" for records

> In

> [
> https://github.com/openjdk/amber-docs/blob/master/eg-drafts/reconstruction-records-and-classes.md
> |
> https://github.com/openjdk/amber-docs/blob/master/eg-drafts/reconstruction-records-and-classes.md
> ]

> we explore a generalized mechanism for `with` expressions, such as:

> Point shadowPos = shape.position() with { x = 0 }

> The document evaluates a general mechanism involving matched pairs of
> constructors (or factories) and deconstruction patterns, which is still several
> steps out, but we can take this step now with records, because records have all
> the characteristics (significant names, canonical ctor and dtor) that are
> needed. The main reason we might wait is if there are uncertainties in the
> broader target.

> Our C# friends have already gone here, in a way that fits into C#, using
> properties (which makes sense, as their language is built on that):

> object with { property-assignments }

> The C# interpretation is that the RHS of this expression is a sort of "DSL",
> which permits property assignment but nothing else. This is cute, but I think
> we can do better.

> In our version, the RHS is an arbitrary block of Java code; you can use loops,
> assignments, exceptions, etc. The only thing that makes it "special" is that
> that the components of the operand are lifted into mutable locals on the RHS.
> So inside the RHS when the operand is a Point, there are fresh mutable locals
> `x` and `y` which are initialized with the X and Y values of the operand. Their
> values are committed at the end of the block using the canonical constructor.

I've several questions, that we will have to answer later. 

The block is also special because there is an implicit return at the end ? so i believe "return" should be disallowed inside the block, right ? 

Does the lifting that appears at the beginning of the block call all accessors ? or the compiler try to be clever and not call an accessor when its value is not needed. 
For example, in 
point with { y = 3; } 
calling point.y() is useless, or is it something the JIT will take care of ? 

Do we allow "with" followed by an empty block ? As a way to clone a record ? 

About the declaration of local variables, in Java, there is no hiding/shadowing between local variables, so a code like this is rejected ? Or do we introduce a special rule for the hiding of implicit variables ? 
int x = Integer.parseInt(); 
foo(point with { y = 3; }); // x is declared twice because there is an implicit int x = point.x(); 

> This should remind people of the *compact constructor* in a record; the body is
> allowed to freely mutate the special variables (who also don't have obvious
> declarations), and their terminal values determine the state of the record.

> Just as we were able to do record patterns without having full-blown
> deconstructors, we can do with expressions on records as well, because (a) we
> still have a canonical ctor, (b) we have accessors, and (c) we know the names
> of the components.

> Obviously when we get value types, we'll want classes to be able to expose (or
> not) such a mechanism (both for internal or external use).
yes, Complex.default with { re = 3; im = 4; } seems a great fit for value classes. 

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