Pattern matching: next steps after JEP 405

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Fri May 20 13:10:10 UTC 2022

You are right that varargs records are dancing on the edge of a cliff.  
But (a) we have varargs records, and (b) array/varargs patterns are not 
only for records.

If you're arguing that they are not essential *right now* and can be 
deferred, that's a reasonable argument, but you'd have to actually make 
that argument.

But it seems you are arguing that array and varargs patterns are 
*fundamentally incoherent.*  This argument seems way overblown, and as 
you've seen, overblown arguments are usually counterproductive.

On 5/20/2022 8:46 AM, Remi Forax wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From: *"Brian Goetz" <brian.goetz at>
>     *To: *"amber-spec-experts" <amber-spec-experts at>
>     *Sent: *Wednesday, May 18, 2022 9:18:01 PM
>     *Subject: *Pattern matching: next steps after JEP 405
>     JEP 405 has been proposed to target for 19.  But, it has some
>     loose ends that I'd like to refine before it eventually becomes a
>     final feature.  These include:
> [...]
>      -*Varargs patterns. * Records can be varargs, but we have an
>     asymmetry where we can use varargs in constructors but not in
>     deconstruction.  This should be rectified.  The semantics of this
>     is straightforward; given
>         record Foo(int x, int y, int... zs) { }
>     just as
>         new Foo(x, y, z1, z2)
>     is shorthand for
>         new Foo(x, y, new int[] { z1, z2 })
>     we also can express
>         case Foo(var x, var y, var z1, var z2)
>     as being shorthand for
>         case Foo(var x, var y, int[] { var z1, var z2 })
>     This means that varargs drags in array patterns.
> Thinking a bit about the varargs pattern, introducing them is not a 
> good idea because a varargs record is not a safe construct by default,
> - varargs are arrays, and arrays are mutable in Java, so varargs 
> records are not immutable by default
> - equals() and hashCode() does not work as is too.
> The record Foo should be written
>   record Foo(int x, int y, ... zs) {
>    Foo {
>      zs = zs.clone();
>    }
>    public int[] zs() {
>      return zs.clone();
>    }
>    public boolean equals(Object o) {
>     return o instanceof Foo foo && x == foo.x && y == foo.y && 
> Arrays.equals(zs, foo.zs);
>    }
>    public int hashCode() {
>      return hash(x, y, Arrays.hashCode(zs));
>    }
>   }
> Given that most people will forget that the default behavior of a 
> varargs record is not the right one, introducing a specific pattern 
> for varargs record to mirror them is like giving a gentle nudge to 
> somebody on a cliff.
> Note that, it does not mean that we will not support varargs record, 
> because
> one can still write either
>   case Foo(int x, int y, int[] zs)
> or
>   case Foo(int x, int y, int[] { int... zs })   // or a similar syntax 
> that mix a record pattern and an array pattern
> but just that there will be no streamlined syntax for a varargs record.
> Rémi
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