Support for primitive types in instanceof and type patterns

Brian Goetz brian.goetz at
Wed Nov 16 16:59:47 UTC 2022

I agree and disagree.

I agree that range checking of other ranges is useful and something that 
belongs on the "candidate features" list.  In fact, it's been on my list 
for a while.

But I disagree that this is the time or place for it, or the best way to 
do it.  Range checking may be one way to view "instanceof byte", but a 
more general way is that is the precondition for safely casting to 
byte.  And the language defines casting rules not only from other 
integral types, but from floating point types as well.

That said, we've been keeping our eye on ranges in general, since they 
are useful in lots of places besides patterns, such as:

     // loops
     for (int i : 1..10)  // we can argue over inclusive vs exclusive
     for (int i : array.range())  // range returns a Range<int>, which 
is Iterable<int>

     // case labels
     case 1..10: ...

We could do this today, but we could do better tomorrow with features 
coming from Valhalla.  This is how I'm thinking we'll get there.

On 11/16/2022 11:50 AM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
> Hello!
>  From what I see, `instanceof byte`, `instanceof short`, `instanceof
> char` and `instanceof int` applied to a wider integral value are four
> range-checking conditions. In many cases, people may want to check
> against different (but compile-time constant) range. It looks too
> restrictive to support only four specific ranges. I understand the
> rationale about symmetry between primitive and reference types but the
> usefulness looks very limited to me. Supporting custom ranges, like
> `instanceof int(>0) x` or `instanceof byte(0..100) b` or something
> like this (with dominance and exhaustiveness checks in switch) would
> be much more useful. I agree that this would also require much more
> work, but at least it would be nice to take this in mind as a possible
> future improvement.
> With best regards,
> Tagir Valeev.
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 12:20 AM Angelos Bimpoudis
> <angelos.bimpoudis at>  wrote:
>> Dear experts,
>> The draft JEP for adding support for primitive types in instanceof and type patterns, that has been previously discussed on this list, is available at:
>> Suggestions are welcomed!
>> Angelos
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